

CALORIE BUDGETING.  One of the most popular budgets that people implement, usually around January 1st, is a calorie budget. A what, you say? A calorie budget. You know it by its more common name – A DIET. A diet is probably the most common budget that there is, even though we may not think of it as a budget. Yet that is exactly what it is. A diet takes a lot of self control, a desired target weight, and a deadline – usually something like “loose 10 pounds before the class reunion!”

FINANCIAL BUDGETING. The same discipline also applies to a FINANCIAL BUDGET.  For most of us this is far more important than a diet budget.  Nevertheless, financial budgets are seldom used by ordinary folks.  Again, you need self control, a desired target amount of money, and a deadline.  Example:  Pay off XYZ credit card balance of $2500 in 10 months – $250 a month!

TIME BUDGETING.  Probably most import budget you can have is a time budget.  As the old saying goes, “Time is money” but few pay attention to the days, months and years as they march by.  You can have more of what you want, sooner too, if you use budgeting. Example:  “I’m going to get this proposal out by noon.”  or “I will knock 5 items off my to-do list in 1 hour” or “I will take 10 days off in June for a vacation with my family.”

Simple, isn’t in?

MOTIVATION. Most people are not motivated to budget anything at all. But goal achievers are different. They have to be in order to get the things they want in life. If you don’t have long-term goals then you probably won’t be motivated to have budgets either. If you do have long term goals, then chances are good that you will have some kind of budget. Now for those of you who do strive to budget, here are some questions that when answered will help you improve your GOAL BUDGETS and that will help you with your long term goals.

BUDGET QUESTIONS.  Start by asking your self what you want to have or do or what do you want to save for? Example: “I want to buy a new car.” When do you want to have it? Example: “I want to have it 6 months from now”.   How much are you willing to pay for it? Example:  “I will spend $15,000”.  Once you have answered these questions then you are on your way to being a better budget-er and goal setter.  And in a way, isn’t that the same thing?

Hope this help you to “Get Where You’re Goaling”