More Bucket 

List Ideas

Here are some bucket list ideas your might consider adding to yours!


Every good goal plan BEGINS as a dream.  A Dream Sheet is a place where you can let your imagination just run wild!  “Eat Turkish delight in Turkey, celebrate St. Patrick’s day in Ireland, spend Ground Hogs Day in Punxsutawney Pennsylvania”.  Dreams are the spice of goal achievement and the place where your best ideas are unlatched and given life.

One of the best ways to dream is to read the goals of others.  My 50 is a website that allows you to look though dozens of lists of goals set by others.  You can screen the list by age and gender, helping you see the schemes and dreams of others like yourself. When wild ideas hit you they can be impetuous, delightful, and exciting.

Dreaming is a pleasant exercise and should bring a smile to your face as you write things down.  Don’t think it through, just jot it down!  Later, after more thoughtful and careful consideration, many of you ‘dreams’ will end up on the junk heap of your ambitions.  Guess what? These dreams will not have cost you one cent to think about.  They only take up a small space on a piece of paper, and a little time in your head. These dreams may NEVER make your real list of goals and that’s OK!  Dreaming is a very important, creative experience.  Dreaming expands your thinking.  Your thoughts need to be recorded somewhere because they inspire you.

So make up YOUR dream sheet TODAY and keep it running.  Don’t erase anything. Let your list grow and grow.  You can laugh about later or you can get serious about them later because dreams are penalty free, calorie free, and regret free!

For more information on creating a Dream Sheet, see chapter 1 of my book, How To Get Where You’re Goaling.


Experience the thrill of rolling down a hill in a plastic bubble.

Search for dragon’s blood on the island of Socora, Yemini.

Take a sailing safari around the Whitsunday’s Islands.

Learn How to Ski

Sky Dive from 12000 feet over Lake Taupo

Bungee Jump from the Bloukrans Bridge -highest in the World

Stand on the roof of Africa-climb Mt Kilimanjaro.

Swim with pods of Dusky dolphins,in the waters off Kaikoura.

Speak Spanish fluently

Walk along the Great Wall of China

See the St. Patrick’s Day parade in New York City.

Write my autobiography

See a great white shark up close

Take a small boat cruise to Antarctica

Ride a camel through the Sahara desert

Hike the Inca trail to Macchu Picchu

Stroll through the Red-Light district of Amsterdam

Learn to read tarot cards

Ride a mechanical bull

See the Sistine Chapel

Watch a solar eclipse

Hot Air Balloon Ride

Go climbing on the Frans Josef Glacier, New Zealand.

Go to a chocolate factory

See the Statue of Liberty

Zip through the rainforest canopy on a zip-line course

Sit in an empty church and pray

Drive on route 66

Dance at the Rio Carnival

Throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain in Rome

Explore Foz de Iguacu in Brazil and view the Cataratas do Iguacu worlds widest waterfalls.

Stand under the giant portrait of Chairman Mao in Tian’ammen Square – Beijing

Take the Trans Siberian Express across Asia.

Get up close and personal with the mountain gorillas of Uganda

See the Ark of the Covenant in Axum, Ethiopia

Make a genealogy scrapbook of my family with as much info about my ancestors and family as possible

Dig for dinosaur bones.

Complete a 1500 piece puzzle.

Experience zero gravity

Eat ice cream in a snow storm.

Become the oldest contestant on the next series of Survivor South Africa

Learn how to track the spoor of at least 25 animals in the wild.

Learn how to make fire in any situation without using flint

Visit Bethlehem in the Holy Land.

Research and study all the major religions of the world.

Make a video recording of my life’s thoughts to be played at my own funeral.

Complete a Landscape Design course

Build up a collection of guitars signed by famous rock stars.

Spend a night alone in a haunted house.

Write my telephone number on a bank note of every country I visit and wait for serendipity.

Collect chameleons in Madagasgar

Learn to drive a sled pulled by a team of Husky dogs.

Visit all the major Meteor sites worldwide.

Travel on the lines of all the Underground/Metro railways in the major cities of the world.

Read all the Chicken Soup books for the revitalization of my soul.

Attend a Jethro Tull Rock concert before they get too old to perform.

Climb Mount Arafat in Turkey, which is where Noah’s Ark is believed to be.

Read 52 Autobiography’s in 52 weeks.

Catch a trophy size Tiger Fish in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe.

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland

Be buried up to my neck in sand

Leave a waiter a tip that is bigger than the bill.

Eat Turkish delight in Turkey

See and photograph a UFO that is genuine.

Celebrate Groundhog’s Day in Punxytawney, PA

Learn to hotwire a car

Moon a tourist bus in the Australian Outback.

Legally change my surname to start a new family tree.

Visit the Golan Heights

Buy a old house, renovate it and sell for a profit.

Learn to develop my mental strenght to meet all lifes challenges.

Swim in the South Pacific Ocean.

Swim in the North Pacific Ocean.

Swim in the Southern Ocean.

Swim in the Indian Ocean.

Swim in the Artic Ocean.

Swim in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Swim in the South Atlantic Ocean.

Develop a Family Motto for future generations.

Watch the sun set over the Taj Mahal.

Watch the sun rise over the Taj Mahal.

Catch salmon in the rivers of Alaska.

Skinny dip in Iceland.

Catch a Piranha fish, cook and eat it.

Horse ride on Easter island and see the Moai statues.

Hike the Fish River Canyon in Nambia.

Do an abstract painting by popping paint filled baloons with a heat gun.

Catch a crockodile in the wild.

Complete a study course as a Game Ranger.

Drive from the East Coast to the West Coast of the USA by motorbike.

Lose 10kg in body mass and 20 years in physical experience.

Learn the survival skills shown on the TV series Ultimate Survival.

Explore the rock hewn churches of Lalibela, Ethipopia considered the 8th wonder of the world.

Tour the East African Rift Valley considered to be the Cradle of Mankind.

Visit Ethiopia and instantly become 7 years 8 months younger!

Visit Mecca, Saudi Arabia during the Haj.

Have tea in Timbuktu,Mali.

Drive the lenght of Highway 1, California in a convertible.

Have sushi at 300kph on the Shinkansen bullet train.

Cruise the Panama Canal in a rubber duck(inflatable boat).

Drive the Altiplano in Chile.

Travel on the trolleybus from Simferopol to Yalta, worlds longest and highest.

Ride a motorbike along the rim of the South African coast-East to West.

Trace Spain’s El Camino de Santiago-The Way of St. John by mountain bike.

See a theatre production on Broadway New York.

See a theatre production on London’s West End.

Learn to throw a Boomerang sucessfully.

Walk along the top of the White Cliffs of Dover.

Watch a tennis match on Wimbleton’s Centre court.

Send a message in a bottle from every sea and ocean I visit.

Photograph a sunset and sunrise in every country I visit.

Play Roulette,blackjack, craps and the slots in Las Vegas.

Ride on a African elephant.

Ride on an Asian elephant.

Spend New Years Eve in Times Square New York.

Drive a snowmobile in Alaska.

Explore by car the land of nothing,The Great Karoo between Cape town and Johannesburg.

Stay overnight in a Buddah temple and contemplate my naval.

Ride an Ostrich

Milk a poisonous snake.

Smoke a Cuban cigar in Havanna, Cuba.

Make a bonfire on a beach and toast marshmellows.

Eat fried chicken in Kentucky,USA.

Swim in the English Channel.

Swim in the Gulf of Mexico.

Swim in the Bay of Bengal,India.

Swim in the Suez Canal.

Swim in the Persian Gulf.

Swim in the Adriatic Sea.

Swim in the Arabian Sea.

Swim in the Baltic Sea.

Swim in the Barents Sea.

Swim in the Beaufort Sea.

Swim in the Bering Sea.

Swim in the Caspian Sea.

Swim in the Caribbean Sea.

Swim in the Coral Sea.

Swim in the East China Sea.

Swim in the South China Sea.

Swim in the East Siberian Sea.

Swim in the Greenland Sea.

Swim in the Kara Sea.

Swim in the Mediterranean Sea.

Swim in the White Sea.

Swim in the Yellow Sea.

Swim in the Black Sea.

Swim in the Red Sea.

Swim in the Dead Sea.

Cruise Lake Kariba on a house boat and view the wildlife.

Interact with the Bushmen of the Kalahari and learn their survival skills.

Explore the Etosha National Park,Namibia.

View game on foot in the Kruger Park,South Africa.

Explore the Serengetti National Park,Tanzania.

Have a Jump-off with the Masai Warriors of Kenya.

View the wildlife of the Ngorongoru crater, Tanzania.

Climb to the summit of the Amphitheatre in the Drakensburg mountains.

Walk the Milford Track in South Island.

Sea kayak around the Pembroke glacier South Island.

Read a magazine while floating in the Dead Sea.

Fly in a subsonic jet fighter plane.

Take a submarine trip into the ocean depths.

Attend the Oktober Fest in Munich.

Buy a Beach Buggy just for fun.

Climb to the top of St Pauls Cathedral.

Climb to the top of St Peter’s Cathedral in Rome.

Walk on hot coals.

Improve my knowledge of wines by doing a course in wine appreciation.

Taste my way through the winelands of Hunter’s Valley, Australia.

Taste my way through the winelands of the Cape of Good Hope.

Taste my way through the winelands of France.

Taste my way through the winelands of California.

Swim in Lake Titicaca and experience karma.

Visit a fortune teller.

Be someone’s shoulder to cry on.

Think more before I speak out.

Visit a working Fazendas in the Pantanal wetlands of Brazil.

Catch a anaconda in Brazil.

Hike the Ilsa da Sol island on Lake Titicaca site of the birrth of the Inca Dynasty.

Have coffee in a cafe in Cusco,Peru.

Swim in Jellyfish Lake Indonesia.

Ride on a Greyhound bus across America.

Eat Bush tucker in Alice Springs,Australia.

Visit Wolfe Creek meterorite site at Halls Creek.

Explore Kings Canyon in the Aussie outback.

Watch the sun set over Ayers Rock whilst having a BBQ.

Walk around the base of Ayers rock.

Climb Ayers Rock.

Sleep in the Aussie Outback under the stars in a swag .

Swim with whale sharks at Ningaloo Reef,West Australia.

Buid a collection of modern and antique watches.

Own and drive a different car on each day of the week.

Make my own pasta.

Count the stars and toast marshmellows in Sutherland,the coldest place in South Africa.

Run with the Tarahumara Indians in Copper canyon,Mexico.

Drink the sacred drink of the Inca’s, Chicha.

Hike the Takesi trail,Bolivia’s version of the Inca trail.

Hike the 4 day Yumga Cruz trail in the Cordillera Real mountains toughest of Bolivia’s Inca trail.

Say a prayer in Copacabana’s Cathedral to the Virgin dela Copacabana.

Explore the spectacular city of La Paz, situated in a narrow canyon of the Altiplano.

Cycle down the worlds most dangerous road from La Paz to Corvico.

Dance at the fiesta del Gran Poder Bolivia’s biggest religious festival.

Shop in the Mercado de Hechiceria or Witches Market of La Paz for that weird oddity.

Buy a minature something in the festival of Feria de Alasitas.

Visit the ancient ruined city of Twanaku,Bolivia.

Travel through the Salar de Uyuni by 4×4, the world’s biggest salt lake.

Visit the salt hotels of Uyuni.

Have a salt lick on the Salar de Uyuni.

Climb to the top of the Ilsa de Fescado or Fish Island to view the sea of salt,Uyuni.

Measure up to the giant cacti on Fish Island.

Take a ferry trip across Lake Titicaca.

Build a koi pond with a bridge across it to the front door of my house.

Collect over 300 koi fish.

Succesfully breed koi fish in my own pond.

Eat Mopani worms with Amarula Cream liqueur.

Enjoy a meal in a Brazilian churrasraria , Rio.

Take the overnight Train of Death from Quijarro to Santa Cruz in Bolivia.

Ride the Dodonpa steel roller coaster at Fujikyu Highlands .Japan.

Ride the Vild-Svinet the world’s steepest angle of descent steel roller coaster at Bon-Bon Land,Denm

Ride the Typhoon steel roller coaster at Bobbejaansland Park Lichtaart, Denmark.

Ride Speed-No Limits steel roller coaster at Oakwood,Pembrokeshire.UK.

Ride The Rage steel roller coaster at Adventure Island ,Essex UK.

Ride the Maverick steel roller coaster at Cedar Park,Sandusky Ohio.

Ride Son of Beast the Largest Drop,Fastest,and Tallest wooden roller coaster at King’s Island Ohio

Ride the El Toro wooden roller coaster at Six Flags,Jackson,New Jersey.

Ride the Colossos wooden roller coaster at Heide,Soltau Germany.

Ride the Mean Streak wooden roller coaster at Cedar Point,Sandusky,Ohio.

Ride The Voyage wooden roller coaster at Holiday World,Santa Claus,Indiana.

Ride the Coaster Thrill Ride wooden roller coaster at Pulyallup Fair,Washington.

Ride The Rattler wooden roller coaster at Six Flags San Antonio,Texas.

Ride The Beast.the world’s longest wooden roller coaster at King’s Island Cincinnati,Ohio.

Ride The Shivering Timbers wooden roller coaster at Michegan’s Adventure,Muskegon Michegan.

Ride The Boss wooden roller coaster at Six Flags St. Loius,Eureka Missouri.

Ride the Balder wooden roller coaster at Liseberg, Gteborg Sweden.

Ride Superman The Excape the Fastest,Tallest and steepest angle of descent shuttle roller coaster .

Ride the Kingda Ka the largest drop,tallest and fastest steel roller coaster in the world.

Ride the Top Thrill Dragster steel roller coaster at Cedar Point,Sandusky Ohio.

Ride the Steel Dragon the longest steel roller coaster in the world at Nagashima Spaland, Japan.

Ride the Millennium Force steel roller coaster at Cedar Point, Sandusky Ohio.

Ride the Goliath steel roller coaster at Six Flags Valencia California.

Ride the Daidarassaurus steel roller coaster at Expoland.Suita Japan.

Ride The Ultimate steel roller coaster at Lightwater Valley UK.

Ride the Fujiyama steel roller coaster at Fujikyu Highland Japan.

Ride the Thunder Dolphin steel roller coaster at Tokyo Dome City ,Japan.

Take a ferry across Cook Strait from North to South Island New Zealand.

Have a hot dog New Zealand style a pastry covered sausage on a stick.

Paddle around the waterways of Milford Sound in a kayak.

Walk the Tasman Coastal Track one of New Zealand’s nine Great Walks.

Walk the Kepler Track one of New Zealand’s nine Great Walks.

Walk the Lake Waikaremoona Track one of New Zealand’s nine Great Walks.

Walk the Milford Track one of New Zealand’s nine Great Walks and one of the world’s finest.

Walk the Rakivra Track one of New Zealand’s nine Great Walks.

Walk the Rauteburn Track one of New Zealand’s nine Great Walks.

Walk the Heaphy Track one of New Zealand’s nine Great Walks.

Visit the Blue Mosque Turkey’s answer to Mecca’s Great Mosque.

Tour the Topkapi Palace where Suleyman the Magnificent kept his harem amid amazing decadence.

Explore Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar the largest covered bazaar in the world-4000 shops.

Wander across creaky boards and among ancient columns of Istanbul’s eerie underground cistern.

Take a ferry across the Bosphorus Straits and go from Eurpoe to Asia in under 15 minutes.

Take a Turkish bath or haman in Turkey.

Get dizzy watching a Whirling Dervish show in Istanbul.

Eat kebaps and baked potatoe’s washed down with visne suyu(sour grape juice) in Istanbul.

Drink the national drink of Turkey, cay at one of Istanbul’s sidewalk cafes.

Try Istanbul’s local drink speciality the sledgehammer or balyoz.

Tour the WW 1 battlefields of Gallipoli and Anzec Cove and marvel at the folly of war.

Explore Ephesus in Turkey, one of the best preserved of the seven ancient wonders of the world.

Visit the house of the Virgin Mary in Selcuk,Turkey supposedly Mary’s final resting place.

Walk around the Bassilica of St. John in Selcut Turkey, last resting place of the Saint.

Take a bath in one of Pamukkale’s natural calcium covered milky thermal pools.

Discover the natural eternal flame, Chimaera at Olimpos on Turkey’s Med coast.

Learn to turn the disappointments of life into discoveries and future challenges.

Lay flowers on the grave of someone long since passed and forgotten by all.

Have a hot chocolate and hot dog next to the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Centre .

Attend a Major League Baseball game and see what all the fuss is about.

Go to Graceland in Memphis and say “Elvis has left the building”.

Buy a burger for a Beefeater guard at the Tower of London and ask him where’s the beef.

Ride in a London Double Decker bus eating a double decker Sub sandwich.

Catch and bottle some fireflys and try to read a newspaper.

Wink and smile at a stranger once every day.

Horseride amongst the Moai statues of Easter island.

Visit Hoodo Mountain an active volcano in British Columbia

Gaze at the Prince Of Miguasta a fossil at Miguasta Nat. Park showing how fish conquered land

Walk where dinosaurs roamed and see there bones at Dinosaur Provincial Park, Calgary Canada

Visit the Polar bear Capital of the world at Churchill,Hudson Bay as the bears migrate

Jump up and down on the San Andreas fault at Palmdale,California and hope today is.nt thre Big One

Hike the 27 km Monument Valley trail in Navajo tribal park and relive the wild west

Drive along the Badlands Loop road ,South Dakota, listening to the music of A Few Dollars More

Have a close encounter- visit Devils Tower Wyoming, scene of Steven Spielberg’s movie

Watch 2 million Mexican free tailed bats leave the Cueva de la Boca bat roost-6pm sharp

Watch the Monarch butterfly migration at El Rosio bio reserve in Mexico

Visit the live active volcano at Soufriere Hills on the island of Montserrat last eruption 2007

Climb the 5900m Cotopaxi snow capped volcano of Ecuador

Explore and hike the extreme scenery of the Los Glaciares National Park Argentina

Explore the surreal landscape of the Valle de la Luna that reveals the story of evolution

Walk to the top of Piton de la Fournaise(furnace) Renunion one of the world’s most active volcano’s

Explore the stark beauty of the Skeleton Coast Namibia one of earth’s most inhospitable regions

Hike into the Namib desert the oldest desert in the world and contemplate life

Do the 2 km Crystal Hike of the Sudwala Caves, South Africa the worlds oldest caves

Have a picnic on top of the table-Table Mountain South Africa

Make a daisy chain in the desert that blooms each Spring with daisys-Little Namaqualand

Watch the Ilulissat Icefjiord calve off huge chunks into the sea on Greenlands west coast

Walk a mile through Deer Bat cave in Malaysia the longest cave passage in the world

Sail between the 200 0 islands of Halong Bay Vietnam and experience sky, water and stone wonders

Trek up the dunes of the Gobi Desert Mongolia’s vast remote area looking for dinosaur fossils

Swim in the turquoise waters of Bora Bora island’s blue lagoon whats left of a submerged volcano

Walk over the Singing Barkhan in Kazakistan and listen to the sand dunes whistle and sing

Eat crab while watching Christmas Island’s annual red crab mating migration

Hop along Kangaroo Island and watch it’s unique animal and bird life up close

Mountainbike along the top of the white chalk cliffs 0f the Seven Sisters.South Englan

Hike across the Dartmoor bog and feel the earth tremble underfoot on the Moors featherbeds

Climb up Ben Nevis the highest mountain in Scotland wearing a kilt

Take a giant breath and walk along the steps of Northern Ireland’s Giant’s Causeway

Visit the Gods of the ancient Greeks – climd Mt. Olympus the highest mountain in Greece

Stand on a streetcorner with a sign that says “The world ends tomorrow only cash accepted”

Chalk the first verse of a poem onto a sidewalk and invite passerbys to add to it

Invite Nelson Mandela to attend my daughters wedding

Invest in Tanzanite, Tanzania’s unique gemstones with a view of creating a family jewelry heirloom

Drive a Porshe on one of Germany’s Autobahn’s and see how fast I can go with no speed limit

Give some blankets to the homeless who live on the streets of Kolkata India

Walk on the red carpet at Cannes Film Festival even if everybody’s already gone home

Meet with a President of the USA and get photographed with him

Catch a Blue Marlin off the coast of mozambiquie

Watch leatherback turtles laying their eggs under a moonlit sky

Bottle feed a Tiger cub in a wildlife sanctuary

Go ice fishing in the Artic circle by cutting a hole in the ice

Ride in an Ostrich race in Oudtshoorn South Africa

Go up the Burj Dubai, the worlds tallest building – 818m 167 floors and order tea from ground zero

Go up Taipei 101,Taiwan – worlds second tallest building – 508m 101 floors and count pigeons

Go up Jin Mao – worlds fith tallest building – 421m 88 floors and order noodles from a take out

Go up Sears Tower, Chicargo – worlds fourth tallest building – 442m and 110 floors and car watch

Go up Petronas Towers – worlds third tallest building – 452m 88 floors and count the clouds

Quench my thirst with a coke in the Atacarma Desert driest place on earth

Take an umbrella to Mawsynram, India the wettest place on earth with 11873 mm rain a year

Have a ice lolly at Dalol in the Denakil Depression Ethiopia the hottest place on earth

Have a martini shaken-very shaken at Plateau Station, Antartica the coldest place on earth at -57

Travel to Mexico City and do the Mexican wave with the locals

Visit the country with the smallest population in the world-Vatican City only 920 people

Visit the country with the biggest poulation in the world-China with over 1,3000,000,000 people

Play a one armed bandit machine in each of Las Vegas’s casino’s and try to win at least a dollar

Throw a Lord of the Rings themed party and watch the whole of the trilogy in one sitting

Ask to see the menu when placing a phone order for a pizza

Sit on a jury at a major trial and consider my verdict

Climb the Sydney Harbour bridge in the moonlight and at the top face Africa and ululate

Study Astronomy , discover a comet and have it named after me

Design an amazing piece of Graffiti artwork and paint it on a public place

Experience a flight on a acrobatic stunt plane and try to hold on to my lunch

Fly and land a glider on a solo flight

Learn the techniques of the TV show Ultimate Survival to survive in the wilderness

Dance the Samba at the Rio carnival in Brazil

Go to a nudist beach wearing a yellow raincoat and flash at everyone

Take part in a Monster truck derby either as a driver or passenger

Kiss on the top floor of the Eifel tower

Eat French toast while sitting at a sidewalk cafe in Paris,France

Watch the Oxford-Cambridge boat race from the banks of the Thames enjoying tea and cream scones

Become a human comet with a bright tail in the bioluminiscent waters of Mosquito Bay Puerto Rico

Plan an elaborate April Fools joke that gets reported in the local newspaper

Create and celebrate my own public holiday such as National Jam andPeanut Butter Day

Find a genuine UFO-collect a meteorite.

Watch the launch of the space shuttle.

Walk on hot coals.

Learn to snowboard.

Ride a Moped around the streets of Rome.

Help save the critically endangered Pondoland canibal snail.

Walk across the zebra crossing at Abbey Road.

Visit Auschwitz and reflect on humanity.

Grow a Bonsai tree.

Have coffee in Cococabana,Bolivia.

Meditate as the sun sets over Lake Titicaca, Bolivia.

Walk around the rim of the Barringer meteorite crater,Arizona.

Descend to the floor of the Berringer Meteorite crater,Arizona.

Walk the rim of the Tswaing Meteorite crater in South Africa.

Visit the Roter Komm meteorite crater in Namibia.

Develop my own recipe for throat warming peri-peri sauce.

Grow my own chilli bush plants.

Grow Venus flytraps.

Become expert in at least 3 yo-yo tricks.

Ride to the top of Corcovado mountain and embrace the statue of Christ the Redeemer.

Take the cable car to the top of Sugarloaf mountain in Rio.

Watch the sun set over Rio from the top of Sugarloaf mountain.

Experience a football match in Rio’s 100,000 seater Maracana stadium.

Ride on a tram car in Rio;s own bit of Bohemia-Santa Teresa.

Do a walking tour of Rio de Janeiro’s Ipanema district.

Have a meal in a lanchonetes in Rio’s Copacabana district.

Attend a Samba school and learn to Samba in Rio de Janeiro.

Play volleyball or beach football with the locals on a Rio brach.

Take an overnight bus ride down Brazil’s East coast.

Take an overnight bus ride down Brazil’s East coast.

Get wet and up close with the Iguacu waterfalls in Argentina.

Stand on the rim of the Garganta del Diablo-Devil’s Throat waterfall, Iguacu.

Catch my breath in Potosi the highest city in the World.

Leave a lasting legacy for the future generations of my family.

Read 49 fiction books in a year.

Establish my own successful Real Estate business.

Buy a small farm with it’s own dam.

Ride a bike around the Kaikoura coastline, New Zealand.

Drive from East coast to West coast of South Island viaArthurs Pass

Explore Queenstown New Zealand, adventure capital of the world.

Act like a hobbit-tour shooting locations on South Island for Lord of the Riings.

Do the Shotover Jet boating experience through the Shotover Canyons.

Make bread in a cast iron pot over a wood fire.

Walk the lenght of Hadians Wall,England in 5 days.

Celebrate Hogmany in Edinburgh.

Do the needle thing-try Acupuncture.

Go wild at Disney world ,Orlando.

Go wild at Disneyland, California.

Walk on the streets of Pompei.

Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the moonlight.

Walk across San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge.

Go shopping along Hong Kong’s Nathan Road.

Abseil into a underground cave.

Visit Anne Franks house Amsterdam.

Sip a cocktail in the Minus 5 bar Auckland

Pony trek in the Highlands of Lesotho.

Do a motorbike trip from Cape Town to Swartkopmund,Namibia.

Climb up Dune 45 Sossuvlei,Namibia and sand board down.

Explore the Okavongo Delta in Botswana by mokoro.

Canoe trip down the Orange River from source to coast.

White water rafting in the Zambezi river below the Victoria Falls.

Bungee jump off the Victoria Falls bridge.

See polar bears in their natural setting of the Antartic.

Build an igloo and stay overnight in it.

Ride in a hot air balloonover the plains of Serengeti,Tanzania.

Ride a Vespa through the streets of Rome.

Learn to toss pizza dough like an Italian chef.

Drink real hot chocolate and have a fondue in Switzerland.

Wear Red in Red Square.

Go to a cherry blossom festival in Japan.

Eat a burger at McDonald’s wearing a formal Tux.

Walk along the Dragon’s Backbone rice terraces at Longii Titian,China.

Shop in the bazaars of Yangshuo for China’s best bargains.

Travel with the locals on one of China’s kamikazi buses.

Say hello and smile at a total stranger at least once every day.

Compile my own list of the top 100 books of all time.

Compile my own life list of the top 101 movies of all time.

Watch the Young and the Beautiful on Rio’s Copacabana beach.

Visit he Giant Panda reserve at Wolong, China.

Sip Snake wine in a restaurant in one of Beijing’s Hutongs.

Climb the 6600 steps up China’s most holy mountain, Tai Shan.

Always be the crazy one in the group.

Get drunk listening to Irish folk music in a pub in Ireland.

Hug a giant Redwood tree in Yellowstone park.

Rollerblade along California’s Huntington beach sidewalks.

Take a Chinese cruise boat down the Yangsi River and pass through the cliffs of the Three Gorges.

Stay at a hotel called Fawlty Towers.

Walk around the alleys of the Muslim quarter in X’ian and see the Great Mosque -China’s biggest.

Visit the Great Embalmed One-the Chairman Mao mausoleum in Beijing.

Say ” I love you ” everyday to the Sun, Moon and Stars of my life -my wife.

Donate blood to the sandflies and mosquito’s of Fraser Island, Queensland.

Learn to surf.

Walk from a tropical rainforest through the desert to swim in Fraser Island’s freshwater lakes.

Ride the Peak Tram to the top of Victoria Peak, Hong Kong and have a beer watching the sun set.

Look the Terracotta Warriors and their war horses in the eye at X’ian, China.

Ride into a sea of grass and watch a sunset over the vast grasslands of Hohhot,China.

Eat Beijing duck in Beijing.

Measure my height against the 17metre tall Buddaha at the Longman Grottoes,China.

Count the 51000 Buddha statues of the Yungand Grottoes China.

Fly a kite in Tian’ammen Square the largest public meeting place in the world.

Explore the 800 buildings of the Forbidden City in Beijing.

Bargain in the Panjiayuan flea market, Beijings best shopping spot for bargains.

Watch opera or acrobatics whilst sipping tea in a Beijing teahouse.

Sample the delicacies of street vendors in one of the hutongs of Qianmen,Beijing.

Have a picnic in the park, at Beijings Summer Palace.

Experience Shanghai from a boat trip on the Huangpu river.

Take a 60 kilometre round boat trip to the mouth of the Yangzi river,Shanghai.

Picnic in one of Suzhou’s amazing gardens of rocky spires,bridges,water and greenery.

Sip a cocktail at Cloud 9 on the 87th floor of Shanghai’s tallest building.

Sample the “Heaven Eleven”Shanghai’s Hanghou’s West Lake famous dishes.

Buy Chinese porcelin in Jingdezhen, China’s porcelin capital.

Climb the Yellow Mountain in Huangshan China’s most beautiful and scenic mountain.

Learn Taoist martial arts in one of Wudang Shan’s temples -site of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.

Chant with the Daoist monks of Wudong Shan,China and try to experience zen.

Chant with the Buddist monks of Jiuhuanshan,China and try to experience zen-again.

Visit Guangzhou’s infamous Qingping market China’s edible zoo.

Go market hopping in Kowloon’s hectic outdoor markets where anything and everything is for sale.

Walk across San Francisco’s Golden Gate bridge.

Sleep in a hotel called Hotel California and listen to the Eagles singing the song.

Casino hop down the Las Vegas Strip playing Blackjack.

Visit the Bull and the Bear of Wall street -the New York Stock Exchange.

Hike to the Angel Falls,Venezuela the world’s highest waterfall.

Hike the whole of the Appalachian trail from Mt.Katahdin to Springer mountain.

Drive along Route 100 in the fall and see the colours of New England’s autumn.

Become totally tech smart with all the latest in gadgets,hardware and software.

Take the ferry crossing from TsimShaTsui to H K Island the cheapest most cool ferry trip on earth.

Experience a Dim Sum breakfast with the Hong Kong’s seething masses of food fundi’s.

Go island hopping through Hong Kong’s outlying islands seeking out secluded beaches.

Have a collection of 1001 DVD’s I must see before I die.

Have a collection of 1001 books I must read before I die.

Establish a sucessful portfolio of listed shares with a value of at least 1 million dollars.

Visit 3 fortune tellers on the same day and compare their predictions of my future.

Explore the Zhijin Caves, China’s most spectacular limestone caverns.

Count the colours of 108 turquoise lakes in Jiuzhaigou National Park, China.

Try the local speciality of Chongquing,China the Sichuanese Hotpot for super human chilli eaters.

Hike the 35km long Tiger Leaping gorge one of the deepest and awe inspiring gorges in the world..

Count the more than 50,000 Buddhist cliff sculptures at Dazu, China

Walk to the roof of the world-the Base camp at Mount Everest.

Visit the Harbin Ice Festival China’s biggest and best.

Walk the Routeburn Track in New Zealand.

Gaze at the world’s biggest Buddha statue,Dafo in Leshan China.

Swim in the Skylake,the world’s highest,at Lake Namtso,Tibet with its dream image scenery.

Travel the Friendship Highway from Lhasa in Tibet to Nepal.

Climb the Mt Changbaishana dormant volcano and look out over the peaks into North Korea.

Spend a day doing a walking tour of Sydney perhaps the world’s most beautiful city.

Bum around Sydney’s Bondi beach with the bold and the beautiful.

Grow my hair buy a rainbow t-shirt and mellow out at Byron Bay NSW.

Watch a game of Aussie rules football at the Melbourne cricket ground.

Drive along Victoria’s Great Ocean road one of the worlds most spectacular coastal drives.

Do a nightime tour of the Old Melbourne Gaol to discover Australia’s convict past.

Drink my way through the Yarra Valley winelands of Victoria, Australia.

Walk Tasmania’s world famous 5 day Overland Track.

Experience Darwin’s Mindil Beach Sunset market and buy a trinket or two.

Watch a movie at Darwin’s open air deckchair cinema sipping a beer and watching the waves roll in.

Participate in the annual Beer can boat race at Mindil beach in Darwin.

Take a 4 wheel drive tour of the Jim Jim Twin Falls region inAustralia and share a swim withcrocs.

Sip champagne whilst cruising at sunset in a catamaran around Darwin’s harbour.

Paddle a canoe around the awe inspiring Katherine Gorge in Nitmiluk National Park, Top End.

Play marbles at the Devil’s Marbles rock formations in Australia’s Northern Territorys.

Fill up on chocolates on the Cadbury’s factory tour in Hobart, Aussie land.

Wash down all the chocs with a tour of the Cascade beer brewery in Hobart.

Try to score a bargain in Salamanca market,Hobart’s eclectic shopping district.

Explore the convict built ruins of Port Arthur in Tasmania.

Abseil down the 60 metre drop of The Ledge,in Victoria’s Grampians National Park.

Hike through the Grampians National Park in Victoria,Aussie.

Do the 2 day scenic drive of the Snowy River National Park,Victoria.

Eat fish and chips in one of Hobarts floating takeaway stalls at the waterfront.

Inhale the counter culture of Nimbin NSW, Australia’s cannabis capital.

Enjoy the liquid fruits of Australia’s most well known wine region,Barossa South Australia.

Get up close and personal with some quokkas-rat like wallabies- on Rottnest Island Perth.

Visit Australia’s most southwesterly port, Cape Leeuwin and watch the waves roll in from Africa.

Interact with bottlenose dolphins in the shallow waters of Monkey Mia West Australia

Ride one of Australia’s Last Frontiers the 647 km Gibbs River Road.

Hike the Windjama Gorge in West Australia Kimberly’s.

Cliff jump into one of the Bell Gorges pristine pools in the and yodel under one of it’s waterfalls

Do the 600 metre Tree Top Walk in the forests of Walpole 40m above giant Tingle trees.

Walk the Tongarino Crossing one of New Zealand’s nine Great Walks.

Visit New Zealands Sulphur City Rotorus and swim in a thermal pool.

Walk in the steps of Jesus and the Disciples in the Holy land.

Explore Qumran,where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered.

Walk in the steps of the Prophet Mohammad in the ancient lands.

Drive 8000km across Australia from West coast to East by 4wd vehicle.

Collect a bottle of every 12 years+ whisky brand made.

Start a Beehive and make my own honey.

Milk a cow-manually!

Backpack around and explore Alaska.

Backpack around and explore Argentina.

Backpack around and explore Australia.

Backpack around and explore Bolivia.

Backpack around and explore Borneo.

Backpack around and explore Botswana.

Backpack around and explore Brazil.

Backpack around and explore Bulgaria.

Backpack around and explore Canada.

Backpack around and explore Cambodia.

Backpack around and explore Chile.

Backpack around and explore China.

Backpack around and explore Columbia.

Backpack around and explore Croatia.

Backpack around and explore Cuba.

Backpack around and explore Easter Island.

Backpack around and explore Egypt.

Backpack around and explore Ethiopia.

Backpack around and explore Finland.

Backpack around and explore the Galapagos Islands.

Backpack around and explore Greenland.

Backpack around and explore Iceland.

Backpack around and explore Iran.

Backpack around and explore Israel.

Backpack around and explore Italy.

Backpack around and explore India.

Backpack around and explore Japan.

Backpack around and explore Jordan.

Backpack around and explore Kazakhstan.

Backpack around and explore Libya.

Backpack around and explore Madagascar.

Backpack around and explore Malaysia.

Backpack around and explore Indonesia.

Backpack around and explore Mongolia.

Backpack around and explore Mexico.

Backpack around and explore Morocco.

Backpack around and explore Mozambique.

Backpack around and explore Namibia.

Backpack around and explore Nepal.

Backpack around and explore New Zealand.

Backpack around and explore Norway.

Backpack around and explore Papua New Guinea.

Backpack around and explore Peru.

Backpack around and explore Russia

Backpack around and explore Thailand.

Backpack around and explore Tibet.

Backpack around and explore Tunisia.

Backpack around and explore Turkey.

Backpack around and explore Uganda.

Backpack around and explore all 50 states of America.

Backpack around and explore Vietnam.

Backpack around and explore Zimbabwe.

Have breakfast in Santa Cruz the centre of the Bolivian cocaine industry.

Sail through the Great Fjiords of Norway.

Walk along the Giants Causeway,Northern Island.

Experience the Military Tattoo of Edinburgh.

Climb up the 1665 steps of the Eiffel Tower.

Visit the fairy tale castle of Neuschwanstein in the Bavarian Alps.

Walk through the Colosseum,Rome and listen to the ghosts of man and beast.

Climb up to the monasteries in the air-Meteora.

Gaze upon the Pyramids at Giza.

Enjoy a meal in the desert with the bedouin at Wadi Ram in Jordan.

Shop for gold in Dubai’s Gold Souk.

Visit the Pharaoh’s in the Valley of the Kings,Luxor.

Spend Christmas in the Church of the Nativity,Bethlehem.

Wander around the old city of Jerusalem.

Sand board down the dunes of Khor al Adaid in Qatar.

Discover the incense trail of Oman’s Salalah and buy Frankincense and Myrrh.

Drift down the Nile river from Aswan to Edfu on a felucca.

Buy a Persin carpet inthe Isfahan bazaar of Iran.

Barter for a bargain in Aleppo Souk in Lebanon.

Walk the Sig into Jordan’s amazing cliff sculptures of Petra.

Climb Mt Damavand Iran the highest peak in the Middle east.

Watch the sun rise over Mt Sinai,Egypt where God revealed the 10 Commandments to Moses.

Watch a Bullfight in Spain.

Write 9 poems about Love,Life and Death.

Walk across Sydney Harbour bridge.

Take a ferry around Sydney harbour.

Celebrate New Years Eve partying in Sydney.

Tour the Blue Mountains of New South Wales.

Travel on the Sydney Metro.

Explore Kings Cross Sydney with it’s 24 hour neon den of sin.

Stay on an Island in the Whitsunday’s, Queensland.

Snorkel in the waters of the Great Barrier Reef and frolic among the fish.

Have a steak in the beef capital of Australia, Rockhampton.

Take a ferry from Hervey Bay to Fraser Island.

Discover Fraser Island by 4×4, the world’s largest sand island.

Spot a Dingo on Fraser Island.

Marvel at the giant coloured sand formations of the Pinnacles,Fraser Island.

Swim in the freshwater lakes of Fraser Island.

Cuddle a Kangaroo in Aus land.

Go walkabout in the Olga’s of Australia by walking the valley of the winds.

Say hello to Alice in Alice Springs.

Take a drive through Australia’s heart, the Red Centre.

Take tea in Alice Springs.

Walk on water in the Todd River,Alice Springs.

Go salt water croc hunting in the outback.

Explore Hong Kong’s Temple street night market.

Ride the ferry between Kowloon and Hong Kong Island.

Walk through the edible zoo of Qingping market in Guangzou,China.

Visit all countries that fall on the Equator line-0 degrees.

Visit all countries that the Tropic of Cancer passes through.

Follow the Tropic of Capricorn around the world and visit all the countries it passes through.

Fill a journal with inspiring quotes, lyrics and images

Learn to play the saxophone.

Watch a stage of the Tour de France in a French village.

Shave my head.

Ride the Tower of Terror shuttle roller coaster at Dreamworld Gold Coast,Australia.

Ride the Wicked Twister shuttle roller coaster at Cedar Point,Sandusky Ohio.

Ride the Chiller Batman and Robin at Six Flags Jackson,New Jersey.

Ride Speed -The Ride at Nascar Cafe,Las Vegas Nevada.

Ride Speed -The Ride at Nascar Cafe,Las Vegas Nevada.

Ride Mr Freeze shuttle roller coaster at Six Flags Dallas, Texas.

Bet on a cockroach to win in a cockroach derby in Australia.

Ride a Harley Davidson Hog along the Florida Keys.

Look over the New York skyline at dusk from the top of the Empire State Building.

Do Fly fishing in all the countries I visit either in freshwater or seawater.

Fly in a microlight trike over the Wild coast in South Africa.

Buy a holiday home either at the coast or in the mountains.

Travel down Route 62 the world’s longest wine route in the Western Cape,South Africa.

Develop a time capsule of my life and the times I lived in,to be opened 100 years from now.

Straddle the Artic Circle.

Straddle the Antartic Circle.

Become an expert pool player.