Venture Opportunity

Brief Stats & Metrics

"Canadians aged 18 and older screened positive for symptoms of depression, anxiety or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in spring 2021, up from one in five (21%) in fall 2020." (Stats Canada, 2021). There is a huge population where the immersive space can be utilized. In fact, "According to a NASSCOM report, immersed media represents a huge $ 180 billion market by 2022" (Allied Market Research, 2022). While the cost of the team may be high, the potential benefits for this technology may outweigh the negatives.

I envision the following people for my team:



  • Business Analyst

  • Scrum Master / Project manager

  • Software Developer (x2) - Expert in coding in C# using Unity or React

  • Software Developer - To create interface

  • 3D or 2D Game / Level Designer

  • User Experience / interface designer

  • Quality Assurance Team - to test the software

  • Support Team - to answer technical questions and to formulate FAQs.

  • Find a company who develops 360 degree projectors at a low cost

  • Find a company that create accurate camera / sensor / facial mapping cameras

  • Quality Assurance Team - to test the hardware



  • Educators to create content / design curriculum.

  • Health Care experts who can provide insight treatments and ongoing research on mental Health.


The outcome for this venture is:

  • Have a large database of behavioural / gestural data from students and educators

  • Return of investments and increase in revenue due to increasing clientele.

  • Shares of the company (if it reaches that stage)