

GoalGo is an immersive gamification environment where youth and working professionals can have a calm and safe space to gain 21 century skills after an unexpected incident caused by external factors such as a pandemic, a budget cut or other factors. GoalGo uses Real-Time Tracking Projection Mapping to track and store the simple gesture, behaviours and progression of participants. Educators are able to capture this data, identify gaps and spot trends that can help students reach their learning goals. The environment is set up using 360 projectors and sensors which can track the location of the user. Clients with special needs or accessibility support can navigate through the game using simple head / hand gestures without the need of a physical headset.

Technology Used

  • Projection Mapping Sensors (cameras) - to capture the movement of students / educators.

  • 360 projectors - To project the immersive environment and interface. Users can have real-time feedback from their movements.

  • Ideally the projections are outside a classroom/workplace environment so users can have a calm space to learn.

  • Computer or phone - the Learning Management System (LMS) is stored here. When the 'Launch' button is pressed, the images will be sent to the projectors


  • Big data is being increasingly popular. It is becoming more costly to hire additional human support to capture gesture/behaviour related data.

  • Using sensors to capture data will help eliminate errors and bias cause by human error.

  • Projectors are more affordable than a VR headset. - If a 3D projector is not available, a 2D projector can also work as long as it can connect to the phone or to the computer.

  • If a projector is not available, users can use an existing computer or phone - this also eliminates cost

  • Mental Health issues were at an all time high during the pandemic. It is not healthy for people to be stuck in the same environment for a long period of time. A system where people can be immersed in any environment they choose while learning is something that can be explored.


Without warning, Better.com lays off 3000 employees after firing 900 people over zoom. (Musil, 2022) Unemployment rate reaches a new high of 13.7% during May 2020: the peak of the pandemic. Many youth in the 15-19 and 20-24, (Government of Canada, 2021) both young men and women suddenly found themselves lost and without direction. Mental Health grew rampant as Depression and anxiety also reached an all time high. Many were forced learn / find jobs in their own homes. There must be a better way to treat mental health by giving works a safe / calm space and provide tools for them to be confident in the workforce again.

Target Market

Youth (age 15-19 and 20-24)

Youths are most at risk to lose jobs during the pandemic. Students may not have the financial means to support their own education if they have lost their jobs.

In an education scenario, while some may be stressed and strive to do well in their school work, many have also become less engaged or motivated to do coursework due to not being able to see friends or physically interact with instructors. Those without support from their legal guardians may also face psychological issues such as trauma, abuse and neglect. All these factors can impact can impact their learning journey.

Youth with disability / accessibility cases are also at risk. I volunteer at the hospital and was working with a sweet young lady who was going through cancer treatment. Most of her body was paralyzed and the only gesture she can make is moving her head up and down. She also told me her desire to learn and the only way she was able to was when her guardians were visiting her. Her family was always by her side, however, I can see the stress in their eyes as they see their daughter continue to deteriorate. The hospital can be such a sad / stressful environment at times... wouldn't it be great to have a place where clients can escape and learn in a peaceful environment?

Working Professionals

Working professionals may face hardship as they struggle to find a way to support themselves or their family financially. While there may be government funding available, many still struggle to find day-care centers for their children. Guardians with with middle to high school aged children may be stressed as well because of potential stressful family dynamics. They will have to face this 24/7 since no one is able to leave their house during the pandemic.

I heard many stories of this happening to my friends. They do not wish to leave the house because they were scared to spread any disease of virus to their children. The only escape they have is to walk around the park while the bread-winner goes to work.

Single-parents were hit quite hard as well. As groceries and gas prices continues rise, without a stable job, they are struggling to pay rent / mortgage while having to juggle responsibilities of managing a household. Now there were is an additional carbon tax as well, families are finding it increasingly hard to live a comfortable life.

Stats on Unemployment Rate

Stats on Mental Health