
Inspiration / Existing Experiences

The inspiration for this project is from my interaction with the calm app. The place I work gave all their staff 1 year free subscription so I decided to explore what this is all about. When I started interacting with it, I found out how valuable it is for people around the world who may be going through tragedies in their lives. With the recent war with Ukraine and Russia, the unearthing of indigenous student at residential schools, the global pandemic which impacted the health and job securities of many people around the whole world, there must be a way for people to deal with grief, sadness, depression and anxiety. Many people may not be able to afford counseling or therapy. In fact, they may be fighting existing physical health battles. By having a calm and safe immersive environment where people can learn anywhere they wish, whether it's in their own room, in the hospital room, public transport, etc, people can gain job ready skills at a faster rate. With the great resignation, many companies are struggling to find skilled workers to help reach their organization goals. With workers that are refreshed, reframed and ready to go, it would benefit the working relationship for both the employer and the employee. It will also eliminate the resources and cost of hiring/re-hiring.

Other inspiration / Existing experience include:

  • Classcraft - Role PLaying Game(RPG) inspired LMS which mimics a tranditional RPG game, learning does not feel like learning

  • Minecraft - There is an education portion of the game where educators can train students develop leadership, team building and other 21 century skills

  • CBT App - For people who struggle with mental health to have a step by step guide to gaining interest in everyday tasks


Students / Youths

The initial concept is to create an immersive environment where students can immerse in a gamified style room to learn 21 century skills which can be easily translated to the workplace in the comfort of their own home. Many of the youths are savvy with technology, in fact, some are much more knowledgeable than the educators. By having a calm immersive environment projected in their homes, not only will students gain confidence from gaining job ready skills, but parents can benefit as well by contributing to their children's learning journey.

Potential Setup:


Working Professionals

Working professionals that are impacted by unfortunate circumstances will have the opportunity to gain additional job-ready skills at low or no cost. Almost anyone can have access to a computer or to a cell phone. If a projector is not readily available, the software / app of the LMS is able to run smoothly and the gestures can be captured with a mouse / keyboard when using a computer or with taps/different gestures of a tablet or phone.

Working professional who are newly out of the job are stressed and may not have the resources and connections to find a new job right away. individuals who have to support families are very vulnerable. In contrast, those who are still employed may have to take on additional workload that were once assigned to other co-workers. By having a calm environment for working professionals, learning new skills are not stressful and they can complete each module at their own pace. Those who are living with families can have a collaborative learning experience with their family members.

Potential Setup:

Existing immersive rooms - Learning through stories

Example of Corporate Training - on site training