Local Partners

Central New York Teachers: here is a list of local people and organizations that can provide support and resources for making global connections.

Service organizations with an international focus; to see activities for each, visit their website. They actively look for speakers for their monthly meetings - consider having your class or club present!

Based in Syracuse, this organization provides information on Islam, and makes available guest speakers. Members came to Auburn High School in the past to talk about the Muslim religion.

This is a Haudenosaunee Heritage Center located in Syracuse with a focus on telling the stories of the native people of central New York. This is a great resource for 4th and 7th grade classes. Follow their twitter account @SkaNonhCenter for activities and events.

The mission of this organization is to enhance the study of East Asia (China, Korea, Japan) throughout the globe. Provides a rich assortment of East Asia resources for elementary and secondary schools, including teacher training for high school teachers.

A non-profit organization, with ties to Syracuse University, with the mission to "promote global understanding through personal contact by developing professional programming and individual hospitality for international visitors."

South Asia Center, Syracuse (315) 422-1593

The South Asia Center of Syracuse University is a United States Department of Education National Resource Center. The focus of the center is on the teaching and research on the South Asian region: the nations of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. There is a media library with borrowing privileges for K-12 teachers, as well as lesson plans for K-12 teachers on various areas and issues in the South Asia Region.

Auburn School District Foreign Language Classes & Clubs

Clubs and classes can be a valuable resource for collaboration between Auburn High School students and elementary and Jr. High classes. Consider connecting using zoom, a free videoconferencing software (www.zoom.us).

Local colleges and universities

If you are looking to make a connection with a student from another country, consider contacting one of the colleges/universities below: