Glad you're looking into joining Key Club! Key Club is a great opportunity to make friends and meet new people, all while having the ability to give back to the community. The cost of membership to Key Club this year is $25. Fill out the Google forms below prior to October 10th to sign up by completing a member portfolio and make your payment through the HCPSS online store. As of August 6, 2024, the dues payment is inactive. If you fill out the membership form prior to September 10, 2024, the dues price will be reduced. Please also consider purchasing our spirit wear design for this year, which will come out soon! We hope that members attend all of the meetings but we understand that students have other responsibilities (clubs, sports, family, etc.) , so if you cannot make a few of the meetings, it is okay- just let your class representative know at least a day in advance to avoid hour penalties
Key Club Payment
Please join the Group Me for your grade here:
Freshman GroupMe will be posted soon!
We are looking forwards to working with you this year!