Volunteer Opportunities
Looking for Ways to Earn your Hours?
This webpage will be updated throughout the year with opportunities for you to be able to earn all of your Key Club hours for the year. 35 hours can seem super daunting at first, but breaking it down to a couple smaller things per quarter makes it a lot easier. Please look here for organizations/opportunities that work year-round. Remember that you are also allowed to create your own service projects, such as neighborhood clean-ups, making lunches for homeless shelters, or anything else you are passionate about that will serve the community.
Remember the Pi sales and the UNICEF Halloween boxes! They're a great way to earn hours and give back to our community. Check the October General Meeting Slides for more information!
Holiday Mart- Please Refer to November Slideshow
Family Festive Fridays
Date: (#1) Friday, December 6th (#2) Friday, December 13th
Time: (#1) 4:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Location: Columbia Lakefront
Requirements: Must be able to volunteer for the ENTIRE shift
Information Link for #1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1INpCwJAqWnmq5p6uzbB9xEedx4JUI2qnCWL0Yb8S2UA/edit?tab=t.0
Information Link for #2:
Kraft Mac-&-Cheese Cup Donations
GHS Key Club is trying to collect 450 Mac-&-Cheese cups to donate to people in need. Every 10 dollars spent is equivalent to 1 service hour. Here is the SignUpGenius link to donate:
GHS Key Club is helping a family of 6 in need get some gifts that they want! Attached is a Sign-Up Genius that contains the list of items wanted by all members. Please bring all items into Mr. Mize's room (238) no later than Tuesday, 12/10. Each $10 spent = 1 service hour. Note: some items are expensive, so feel free to split the cost among your friends. Thank you!
Halloween Spook-tacular
Date: October 25th, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (volunteer arrival at 4:30PM)
Location: Meriwether District: Color Burst Park- 6000 Merriweather Dr, Columbia, MD 21044
Requirements: Check Website- no explicit ones listed.
What to wear: Warm clothing- halloween-themed accessories are encouraged!
Duties: Must be able to volunteer the entirety of the event
Link: No link, register directly with the contact below.
Contact: Register directly with Event Coordinator, phone, email: Cathy Smith, cathyvsmith@outlook.com cell: 410-302-4662
HOCOaRTS Celebration- volunteer Position
Date: November 2, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Location: Peter and Elizabeth Horowitz Visual and Performing Arts Center
Requirements: Check Website- no explicit ones listed.
Duties: Varies based on sign-up position
Link: https://www.hocoarts.org/support/get-involved/volunteer/celebration-volunteers/
Contact: Please Check the Link Above (Varies)
2024 Floating Pumpkin Patch
Date: October 19, 2024
Time: 11am - 4pm
Location: Roger Carter Community Center (meet in Caplan and Oella Rooms)
Requirements: Must be 16+
Duties: Assist with setup, clean-up, registration and activities
Link: https://hocovolunteer.org/custom/501/opp_details/3431
Contact: Stan Koh: skoh@howardcountymd.gov
*weather may cause this event to be cancelled. You will be notified for that*