Communication is a big part of bettering our community. To help for better understanding of how our club operates, here are answers to some frequently asked questions:
If I have a conflict that prevents me from attended a club meeting, what are the consequences? What should I do?
We only have club meetings once a month to lessen the burden on members. Members are required to attend 5/7 of the monthly meetings. You unfortunately cannot receive attendance or an hour of service if you miss a meeting. Our general meeting slides are always available on the past meetings/events page.
What is the hour requirement?
5 hours per quarter, 40 hours by the end of the year
How do I complete my 40 hours?
There will always be a service project at each meeting that gives members on hour of service. There is a requirement of 5 hours of service per quarter. There will also be several service opportunities in and outside of school on the website. Any acts of service that are not stated by key club still count, as well as summer service. This helps you accumulate hours easier throughout the school year.
Are all 40 hours due before April each year?
Yes, each member must have 40 hours by our Banquet in April.
Does a key clubber need 40 hours a year for each year they are a member of the club?
Yes. Students need 40 hours each year they are a member of the club. E.g. If a student is a member for 2 years in Key Club, they will need 80 hours in total, 40 hours each year.
What are the consequences of not meeting membership requirements?
Members who do not meet requirements will not receive a certificate of membership at the end of the year and will not be registered as past members of the club. This doesn't prevent them from becoming one the next year and fulfilling their responsibilities. However, seniors that do not meet their requirements will not receive a cord at the end of the year banquet.
When do we meet?
We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month.
Where can hours come from? (outside of school sponsored events e.g. UNICEF, pie donations)
Any out-of-school service can count towards service hours! Examples of service you can do on your own include: faith based organizations, volunteering at grassroots, scouting, . Just make sure to include a short description of the service (what you did, what organization it was through - if applicable)
How many summer hours can we log? How do summer hours factor into the school year?
There is no limit to summer hours. However, students must still have at least 5 hours of service for Quarter Quarter 3, and Quarter 4 during the school year.
What counts as summer hours?
Any act of service done over the summer. See “where can hours come from?” for more examples.
I just logged hours on the form // I just signed up, why can’t I see my name on the service form?
The google form that keeps track of hours may take a minute or two to update. If no change occurs after refreshing and waiting for a few hours, please reach out to us.
Who should you contact if you have questions?
Please reach to any Key Club Officer or contact Mr Mize or Mrs. Clippard-Cope with any questions you may have! All officer contacts are listed on the contact page. Please contact the person who may have the most insight and knowledge for your concern.