Day 6 (4.MAY.19)

Problem Set

  1. Design a procedure calculate the maximum, minimum and average of N numbers
      • data( a[1,2,3,4,5] ) -> Max = 5, Min = 1, Avg = 3
  2. Design a procedure in Raptor to get the Fibonacci series
      • 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 . . .
  3. Subtraction of two random integers up to 1000 in Raptor.
      • 372-68=304
  4. Creating an array ,storing the integers in the array,display of the array in Raptor.
      • a[5]={1 ,3, 2 ,5 , 8 }
  5. Create a procedure in raptor to check whether the given variable is palindrome or not .
      • "racecar"- "it is a palindrome"
      • "raptor" - "It is not a palindrome"
  6. Creating a procedure to read and write .txt files using files in raptor .
  7. Creating a procedure to read and write multiple lines into .txt files in raptor.
  8. Creating a game which guesses your birthday using procedure in raptor.


All the above programs have been worked out and saved here.