Day 11 (9.MAY.19)

Python program:

1.Design a program to evaluate the polynomial:

f(x)= x^3 + 2 X^2 + 3 X - 10 for x in the range [1, 1000]

2. Designing program for Basic Arithmetic operations in Python

3. Procedure to print N natural numbers using Python

4.Procedure to calculate the factorial of a given number.

5.Given an int n, return True if it is within 10 of 100 or 200. Note: abs(num) computes the absolute value of a number in Python.

6.Given 2 int values, return True if one is negative and one is positive. Except if the third parameter is True, then return True only if first two parameters are negative in Python.

7.Create a Random number Generator which takes range(lb,ub) and returns the random number in the given<randomnumber<ub in python .

8. Given an integer n ,calculate the sum of n random numbers in the range [0,1000000000000000] in Python.

9.Procedure to generate multiplication tables using Python.

10. Procedure to print the list of factors of a given number.

11.Program to check if a given number is Prime and returns a Boolean value.

12. Procedure to count the number of digits in a given number.

13.Procedure to check if a given number is a Perfect Number. ( Perfect number is a number for which the sum of all it's divisors is equal to the number itself) .

14.Procedure to generate the first N perfect numbers.

15.Design a procedure to perform Linear search on list of N unsorted unique numbers. It take an array and the key element to be searched and returns the index of the element of key element if found. Else returns -1 .

16.Design a procedure calculate the maximum, minimum and average of N numbers

17.Design a procedure to determine if a given string is a Palindrome .

18.Design a procedure to calculate the squareroot of a number "without using the math function sqrt".

19.Design a procedure to determine the frequency count of numbers in a given list#### Constraints:

All the above programs are programed in Python using Jupyter Notebook ,which can be accessed here