Day 13 (11.MAY.19)


1.Define a function to convert a binary number to the corresponding decimal number

    • binaryToDecimal(1101) -> 12
    • binaryToDecimal(1010) -> 10
    • binaryToDecimal(111000) -> 56

2.Define a function to convert a decimal number to the corresponding binary number

    • decimalToBinary(15) -> 1111
    • decimalToBinary(1) -> 1

3.Design a Python script to determine the difference in date for given two dates in YYYY:MM:DD format(0 <= YYYY <= 9999, 1 <= MM <= 12, 1 <= DD <= 31) following the leap year rules. Return the total number of days existing between the two dates.

      • dateDifference('2019:05:10', '2019:05:01') -> 9
      • dateDifference('0003:03:03', '0003:06:06') -> 95

4.Define a function to print the sequence of spiral pattern elements for a given N x N matrix

    • spiralPattern([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]) -> 1 2 3 6 9 8 7 4 5

5.Count the number of strings present in the given string

    • (StringCount("abccddccc", "cc")) -->2
    • (StringCount("1234567891122334455", "3")) -->3
    • (StringCount('str','substr')) --> 0
    • (StringCount('aaaaaaa', 'aaa')) -->2

6.Define a function to merge the characters of two strings alternatively. The remaining characters of the longer string are printed in the same order at the end.

    • mergeString('abcd', 'absd',[]) -> 'aabbcsdd'
    • mergeString('abc', '123456',[]) -> 'a1b2c3'
    • mergeString('0', '123456',[]) -> 'a102'

All the above problems are solved in Python using Jupyter Notebook and can be accessed here.