State level geoportal

Genschem of Ukraine

Geoportal of Zhytomyr region

Modeling of Spatial Development Strategy of Zhytomyr Region


USAID and U-LEAD projects

The Local System Development Program is being implemented within the framework of the USAID Agricultural and Rural Development Project and is aimed at developing the economic potential of 79 united territorial communities in 6 regions of Ukraine and enhancing the well-being of their residents. The core of the program is the introduction of transparent land and other resource management tools in ATS, as well as the creation of detailed economic profiles in 10 model communities, covering key aspects of community life and activities, to attract investment.

Population Census of Ukraine

The first steps of digitalization: how electronic elections and population censuses will be held

NATO's geographic system is based on Esri's corporate GIS

Countering Russian aggression in Ukraine

Geotourism in Ukraine

GIS DayUA 2019

Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center