Past research

In the 2000's, my research was more dedicated to bio-inspired methods than now. I studied 3 main computing models from the observation of real ants (assembly behavior, nestmate identification (based on odor), hunting/moving strategies). In parallel, I developed a great interest for human computer interactions, complex data visualization and mining, 3D data and interfaces. In the 90's, I was working on Genetic algorithms (my PhD was the second in this aera in France) and Machine learning (reinforcement learning, adaptive robotics, etc).

Modeling the ants self-assembly behavior to build proximity graphs (incl. PhD of Julien Lavergne).

Hanane Azzag, Christiane Guinot, Gilles Venturini: An artificial ants model for fast construction and approximation of proximity graphs. Adaptive Behaviour 20(6): 443-459 (2012)

Julien Lavergne, Hanane Azzag, Christiane Guinot, Gilles Venturini: Incremental Construction of Neighborhood Graphs Using the Ants Self-Assembly Behavior. ICTAI (1) 2007: 399-406

Visual and interactive exploration of stereoscopic images + camera calibration with genetic algorithms (PhD of Karim Benzeroual).

This work was funded by the CERIES and the FEDER/RĂ©gion Centre Val de Loire. In this picture we used our system to measure the size of an hemangioma on a child face.

Karim Benzeroual, Mohammed Haouach, Christiane Guinot, Gilles Venturini: A System for the Acquisition, Interactive Exploration and Annotation of Stereoscopic Images. AIME 2009: 156-160

Karim Benzeroual, Christiane Guinot, Gilles Venturini: An Evolutionary Algorithm for the Calibration of Stereoscopic Cameras. GEM 2009: 48-53.

A clustering algorithm based on flocking behavior.

Fabien Picarougne, Hanene Azzag, Gilles Venturini, Christiane Guinot: A New Approach of Data Clustering Using a Flock of Agents. Evolutionary Computation 15(3): 345-367 (2007)

Using the ants self-assembly behavior to cluster data and build a hierarchical structure (PhD of Hanane Azzag).

Hanene Azzag, Gilles Venturini, Antoine Oliver, Christiane Guinot: A hierarchical ant based clustering algorithm and its use in three real-world applications. European Journal of Operational Research 179(3): 906-922 (2007)

A method to visualize and interact with large datasets (PhD of David Da Costa).

David Da Costa, Gilles Venturini: An Interactive Visualization Environment for Data Exploration Using Points of Interest. ADMA 2006: 416-423

Building visual and interactive maps of data or documents with cellular automata.

Hanene Azzag, David Ratsimba, David Da Costa, Christiane Guinot, Gilles Venturini: On Building Maps of Web Pages with a Cellular Automaton. BICC 2006: 33-42

Clustering data using a model of the ants chemical recognition system (PhD of Nicolas Labroche).

Nicolas Labroche, Christiane Guinot, Gilles Venturini: Fast Unsupervised Clustering with Artificial Ants. PPSN 2004: 1143-1152

To be completed soon.