Iliad3, a self-financed university structure for research and technology

In 2017, we launched Iliad3:

  • Iliad3 aims at:
    • bridging the gap between laboratories and industry by transforming prototype software into a "close to commercial" product,
    • providing high level scientific services, expertise and training in the domain of images processing and mining (2D, 3D, acquisition, visualization, 3D printing, parallel computation, etc)
  • Illiad3 is part of the University of Tours. It is a self-financed structured called a CETU (other CETUs of our university are Innophyt, Ethics, Elmis).
  • Dr. Barthélémy Serres is the director of this structure, and I'm the scientific advisor.
  • Additionnal information can be found (in French) here: