Sustainable Goals Development Lesson

Artifact #5

My gifted students in 5th and 6th grades were asked to do research and create websites focusing on their selected Sustainable Goals Development (SDG). My ultimate goal was for them to learn about global stewardship. Not only did this lesson help them make positive, socially responsible contributions, it helped them build relationships with one another, and to develop empathy for others around the globe who are directly experiencing the problems that the SDGs are trying to ameliorate.

This artifact supports the following ISTE Standard for Educators:

  • 3a - Create experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that build relationships and community.
  • 5a - Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.

Overview of Lesson

After some introductory videos, they were then asked to explore each of the goals via the World’s Greatest Lesson website: using their newly constructed Global Goals glasses (template found at

The final part of their introduction and exploration of the global goals was for each learner to choose one or two goals to further explore and research; and to list these on their personal blogs. They presented their selections to the rest of the class.

Learners, either alone or with a partner, created websites about their chosen goals using Google Sites. They were required to include the following items:

    • An overview of the problem using reputable resources and with live links included,
    • Multimedia presentations (2) using Web 2.0 tools from this list provided to them via our Google Classroom –,
    • A self-grading quiz using Google Forms,
    • A Green Screen or Flipgrid commentary.

Personalized learning and learner differences were naturally addressed in this lesson. Not only did they research the sustainable development goals in order to choose one they found desirable, they selected the web tools to create the informational artifacts to educate others about their selected SDG.

A Padlet aggregate of their websites follows. Upon close examine of their websites, it can be seen that individual students used web tools they found most desirable including: green screen technologies by two boys, Adobe Spark by two of the girls, infographics by several students, word clouds by one student, Google Sheets by a few students.

They used their websites to educate other students at our school through using their websites to give presentations to other students at the school.

Aggregate of Student-Created Websites

The following Padlet contains links to the students' Google Sites which focused on the SDG they selected in order to provide awareness. (Note: The Padlet is just to show evidence of their work. Some of their sites contain videos longer than 3 minutes. Please disregard these as their individual sites are not direct artifacts of my portfolio.)