Open Positions

Investigating the basic mechanisms of genome maintenance is a rapidly expanding field. We are interested in cellular fail-safe mechanisms that ensure that the genome is kept intact before cell division. We use C. elegans and mammalian cell lines as model systems.

We are actively looking for students (Master and Ph.D. level) and Postdocs with a passion for science who like to do experiments and are interested in advancing their careers in basic or applied biomedical sciences in the long term. The interactive and collaborative environment at IBS Center for Genome Integrity provides an ideal setting to dig into a research project, to develop your own research plan, and the skills to eventually run your own lab. Our access to world-class infrastructure and equipment and generous core funding allows for engaging in long-term projects.

The majority of former Gartner lab members are still engaged in biomedical sciences in academia, education, and industry, and many hold independent group leader positions in academia.

Our experience is that the very best students do not necessarily come from Universities with big names. Thus don't be shy, please contact us by e-mail (Anton Gartner:; Dmitry Ivanov:; Stephane Rolland

We are keen to accept undergraduate students, for instance over summer, but ask them to commit a minimum of 12 weeks to stay in our lab. This provides an opportunity for local Korean students (from UNIST and other Korean Universities) but also international students who already have some initial lab experience to conduct research, be exposed to an international team, and feel the excitement of being at the forefront of science.

If you are a UNIST student and interested in joining our branch part-time during your undergraduate studies please let us know (Anton Gartner:; Dmitry Ivanov:; Stephane Rolland