Former Lab Members

Eduardo de la Vega (Former postdoctoral researcher 2021-2024)

Eduardo is originally from San Felipe, Chile. He graduated from the University of Valparaiso as a Medical technologist and mastered biomedical sciences in the same University. He obtained his Ph.D. in 2019 at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile in Biological Sciences working with Hugo Olguin’s group. Eduardo worked for almost five years in the Stem cell/regeneration field using as a model skeletal muscle before his interest shifts to study DNA damage mechanisms. He then moved to Dundee, Scotland to investigate the function of the nuclease ANKLE1 in mammalian cells as a postdoc in the laboratory of Professor Anton Gartner at the GRE department, in collaboration with John Rouse (MRC-PPU) of the University of Dundee. Eduardo is going to move to Korea in late spring 2021.


Fernanda Macarena Navarro (Former graduate (master) student 2022-2024)

Fernanda is proudly from the South of Chile, where all the magic happens. She studied along with black-face ibis and the ancestral Mapuche culture at the University of La Frontera, Temuco. Fernanda is a Biotechnologist, and her studies compromise cell biology and biochemistry. She has a broad background in research because of her undergrad thesis performed during her senior years at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Furthermore, Fernanda worked as Research Assistant for almost four years in the laboratory of Dr Cecilia Riquelme at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Riquelme's group was interested in studying the mechanism of the activation of G-coupled protein receptors improving muscle differentiation in a well-characterized model in vitro muscle differentiation cell.

After finishing the project with Dr Riquelme, Fernanda was keen to pursue graduate studies. She started to feel more curious and fascinated about DNA molecular biology. Therefore, she joined IBS and started her combined M.S-Ph.D. studies at UNIST in March 2022.


Junfang Song (Former postdoctoral researcher, Dundee, co-advised by John Rouse 2018-2023

Junfang graduated from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, at the Chinese Academy of Sciences where she obtained the degree of Ph.D. in Genetics. Junfang moved to the UK and worked as a postdoc in Andrea Muensterberg lab, at the University of East Anglia, UK. Her project was to find out that how the migration of cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) was regulated in the early stage of vertebrate embryonic development. Her work resulted in the identification of crosstalk between signaling pathways providing a novel mechanism for controlling CPCs movement behavior. 


After taking a career break Junfang joined Anton Gartner's lab at the University of Dundee in Dec 2018, and is co-advised by John Rouse. Her work is to understand the role of junction-resolving enzymes in maintaining genome stability. Junfang is particularly interested in combining structural and biochemical approaches to uncover the mechanisms through which the resolvases process branched DNA structures.


Shannon Payne Bourke (사넌) (Former visiting student 2022-2023

Shannon, originally from Ireland is currently undertaking a Master of Science degree (MSci) in Molecular Biology at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. She undertook a summer internship at the Cell structure laboratory in Madrid, Spain where she participated in Anti-viral drug research. Shannon has joined the IBS to complete her year in industry (Master's degree) by investigating the function of the nuclease ANKLE1 in mammalian cells.

Lukasz Sitko (루카스 시트코) (Former graduate (master) student 2021-2023

Mechanisms of Mutagenesis Section

Lukasz graduated from the University of South Wales with a Bachelor of Science in Medical Sciences. He is originally from Krakow, and is now studying combined Masters-Ph.D. courses in Biological Sciences at UNIST. His main interests include computational biology and evolution. He joined the IBS in October 2021.


Banyoon Cheon (천반윤) (Former postdoctoral researcher 2020-2021

Mammalian DNA repair

Banyoon received her Ph.D. at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and performed her postdoctoral training at the University College London. Her research focuses on identifying critical genes required for genome integrity.


Arno Alpi (former Ph.D. student)

The rad-5 DNA damage response gene

The role of Ce-Rad-51 in meiosis and DNA repair

Ph.D. student from April 2000 to 2004

Arno did his undergraduate studies at the University of Vienna. After his Ph.D. he took on a Postdoc position at the MRC Institute of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK in the group of KJ Petal, to continue working on DNA damage responses. Arno published several important papers in the area of DNA cross-link repair during his Post Doc, worked as a group leader at MRC Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation UNIT in Dundee, UK, before moving back to the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Munich Germany.

Publications in Gartner lab:

Alper Akay (former Ph.D. student)

Translational Control by GLD-1


Ph.D. student from 2008 to 2013

Alper did his undergraduate studies in Turkey and his Master's studies at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. After his Ph.D. he took on a Postdoc position at the Gurdon Institute in Cambridge UK, in the group of Erick Miska. He published papers on basic mechanisms of RNAi and RNA modification. He is now a group leader at the University of East Anglia in England, UK. His research is funded by a prestigious MRC future leaders award.

Publications in Gartner lab:

Ana Agostinho (former Ph.D. student)

Apoptosis Regulation

Meiotic Recombination

Ph.D. student from 2008 to 2013

Ana did her undergraduate studies in Portugal. After her Ph.D., she took on a Postdoc position at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm Sweden and continued to work on meiosis in the lab of Christer Höög. She is now a research officer focusing on advanced microscopy at the Karolinska.

Publications in Gartner lab:

Ashley Craig (former Postdoc)

Translational Control by GLD-1

Ph.D. student from 2008 to 2013

Ashley did her undergraduate, graduate, and earlier Postdoctoral Studies in Dundee and Edinburgh, Scotland, working with Professor Ted Hupp as a Ph.D. student and Postdoc. After leaving my lab Ashly founded a scientific editing company.

Publications in Gartner lab:


Publications before joining the Gartner lab:

Aymeric Bailly (former Ph.D. student and Postdoc)

Mutants defective in DNA damage responses



PhD Student 2003 – 2008, Postdoc 2009-2010

Aymeric did his undergraduate studies in Lyon, France. He joined the Gartner lab, still in Munich and transferred to Dundee. Aymeric is continuing to work with C. elegans and jointed the group of Dimitris Xirodimas at the Montpellier Cell Biology Research Center, France. Aymeric holds a permanent semi-independent position. 


Publications in-, or collaborating with the Gartner lab:


Publications before joining the Gartner lab:

Alexander Holmes (Postdoc)


Postdoc 2010 – 2014 

Alex did his PhD on membrane traffic and cell adhesion in C. elegans in the Pettit Lab at the University of Aberdeen, where he graduated in 2007. Following that, and in search of warmer climes, he did a post-doc at the Universite de Rennes 1 in France, were he studied the contribution of membrane traffic to EGF/Ras signalling during C. elegans vulval development. Missing the subtleties of the Scottish weather he returned to the UK in late 2010 when he joined the Gartner Lab.

Alex moved on to be a database curator at the EBI, Cambridge.

Bettina Meier (Postdoc and Senior Research Associate)

The C. elegans telomere length maintenance and DNA damage response

C. elegans meiotic recombination

Mutational Signatures.

Postdoc and senior research Associate (2005-2019) 

Bettina did her Ph.D. with Heidi Feldmann at the Genecenter in Munich, Germany and then did her first Post Doc with Shawn Ahmed lab in North Carolina working on C. elegans telomere biology. She was in the Gartner lab for 14 years. Bettina recently took on a Bioinformatics position at Fios Genomics in Edinburgh.

Publications in Gartner lab: 

Publications before joining the Gartner lab: 

Bin Wang (Postdoc)

C. elegans double-strand break repair and recombination

Postdoc (2010-2017) 

Bin worked at the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing before he joined my lab. His Ph.D. thesis is focused on the fungal infection by nematodes. From 2007 to 2010 he worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences on the nematode sperm activation and cell motility. He joined the lab in late 2010 and left in 2017. He is a group leader in Nanning China and continues working on C. elegans. We still collaborate on radiation-sensitive C. elegans mutants Bin has isolated.

Publications in Gartner lab:

Publications before joining the Gartner lab:

Björn Schumacher (Ph.D student)

The C. elegans p53 pathway

Transcriptional targets of CEP-1/p53

Negative regulation of CEP-1/p53 by GLD-1

Ph.D. student (2000-2004)

Björn did his undergraduate studies at the University of Konstanz, in Germany. He was then also a student in the Cold Spring Harbor Labs in New York, USA. After leaving the Gartner lab Björn took on a Post Doc position at the University of Rotterdam, Netherlands in the lab of Jan Hoeijmakers to work on the interplay between DNA repair and the process of aging starting in July 2004. This funded, by prestigious EMBO and Marie Curie Post Doctoral fellowships. Björn now focuses on aging and DNA damage responses, and also started to use mammalian cells. His early independent research was funded by a prestigious ERC Junior Investigator award. He holds a full Professorship and directs a large research group at the University of Cologne in Germany. Björn is also involved in public engagement taking on a leading role in this in the area of ageing research in Germany. He wrote a comprehensive book describing the biology of ageing ‘The Mystery of Human Ageing’. It took him 16 years to get his original Ph.D. project published, but nevertheless he did very well.

Publications in Gartner lab:

Ehsan Pourkarimi

Germ cell Apoptosis Regulation

Starvation Proteomics

Ph.D. student (2007-2013)

Ehsan grew up in Iran. He did his undergraduate studies in Molecular Genetics at the Eotvos Lorand University, in Budapest, Hungary. After his Ph.D. he did a Postdoc at Sloan Kettering, New York, USA. Working with Dr. Iestyn Whitehouse he made important contributions to the understanding of DNA replication during development. He recently took on a Faculty position at the Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Doha, Qatar. He works on C. elegans DNA damage responses and epigenetic inheritance.

The picture is from Roosevelt Island right in the middle of the East River, next to Manhattan. The Island was used first as a prison, then converted for the mentally insane, prison again and more recently upgraded for postdoc accommodation. Guess where Ehsan spends his time in New York...

Publications in Gartner lab:

Federico Pelisch (senior Postdoc co-advised by Ronald Hay)

C. elegans SUMO 

Meiotic and mitotic chromosome segregation

Postdoc (2012-2017)

Federico is originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He worked in the RNA field (alternative pre-mRNA processing) for almost 10 years before his interest shifted to protein research, specifically post-translational modifications. He obtained his PhD from the University of Buenos Aires in 2010. He came up with the idea of characterizing the SMO-1 (C. elegans SUMO ortholog) proteome using mass spectrometry (MS) and to study the biological role of this modification using C. elegans as a model. Fede obtained an EU-funded Marie Curie Fellowship to support the research he wanted to conduct. The research theme on SUMO led him to studies focused on mitotic and meiotic chromosome segregation. Federico won a Prestigious MRC research award and is now running his independent research group at the University of Dundee.

Publications with the Gartner lab:

Giulio Maffioletti (Postdoc)

S-phase checkpoint regulation

Postdoc (2004-2008)


Giulio did his Ph.D. in the Foiani and Libreri labs in Milano, Italy focusing on budding yeast recombination. Giulio left academic science and trained and works as a physiotherapist at the local hospital in Dundee.

Publications before joining the Gartner lab:

*Co-first author

Neda Masoudi (Ph.D student)


Ph.D. student (2008-2013) 

Neda grew up in Iran. She did her undergraduate studies at the Eotvos Lorand University, in Budapest, Hungary 2013. After her Ph.D. she joined the lab of Oliver Hobert at Columbia University, New York, USA, where she is currently working as a ‘research specialist’. 


Publications in the Gartner lab:

Pablo Ibáñez Cruceyra (Postdoc)


Ph.D. student (2008-2013) 

Pablo was the first lab member to work on neurodegeneration in the Gartner lab. He made important contributions to the area of Parkinson’s research during his Ph.D. thesis in Paris being involved in one of the early studies of synuclein, a protein which when over-expressed and misfolded is associated with this disease. After leaving the Gartner lab he was Postdoc in the Bessereau lab at the time in Paris. He now works as a Senior Scientist at the ESPCI-SANOFI in Paris.

Publication in the Gartner lab:

Publications before joining  the Gartner lab:

Rachael Rutkowski (Postdoc)

C. elegans germ cell apoptosis

Postdoc (2005-2010)

Rachael trained at Monash University Melbourne Australia and did her Ph.D. in Townville, Australia on Drosophila genetics in the lab of Bill Warren. She took on a senior postdoctoral position in the laboratory of Clare Scott at the WEHI institute in Melboure, Australia. She later took on positions in Science communication and now works as a teacher. 

Publications in the Gartner lab:

Remi Sonneville (Postdoc, co-advised by Julian Blow)

DNA replication

Postdoc (2009-2016) 

Remi did his Ph.D. in the Gönczy Lab working on the early embryonic cell cycles in C. elegans. He approached us with the idea of using C. elegans as a model to study the cell biology of DNA replication and managed to fund the first years of his Postdoctoral Research in Dundee via a prestigious EMBO long-term postdoctoral research fellowship. He is still working on C. elegans DNA replication, now as a Senior Research Associate in the lab of Karim Labib at the MRC unit in Dundee.


Publications with the Gartner lab:

Sandra Moser (Ph.D student)

Essential roles of C. elegans RAD-5/CLK-2

Ph.D. Student (2003 – 2008)

Sandra did her undergraduate studies at the Technical University in Munich. After obtaining her Ph.D. she joined the lab of Jason Swedlow in Dundee. Together with the lab of Sonia Rocha and Angus Lamond, she made important contributions in the area of protein hydroxylation.

Publications in the Gartner lab:

Sarah-Lena Offenburger (Ph.D student)


Ph.D. Student (2012 – 2018)

Sarah obtained her diploma (equals MSc) in Biochemistry from the University of Tuebingen, Germany. During her Diploma thesis, she worked with the neurobiological model organism Platynereis dumerilii in the Max-Planck Institute for Developmental Biology. In the Gartner lab, Sarah worked on C. elegans models for Parkison’s disease and on dopaminergic neurodifferentiation. After her Ph.D. she continued working on C. elegans and is now working in the lab of Ben Lehner in Barcelona, Spain using C. elegans as a model for epigenetic inheritance.

Publications in the Gartner lab:

Publications before joining the Gartner lab:

Sebastian Greiss (Ph.D. student)

The role of histone deacetylases in irradiation induced apoptosis

Transcriptional targets of cep-1/p53

Ph.D. Student and Postdoc (2003 – 2009)

Sebastian did his undergraduate studies at the University of Bayreuth, Germany. He joined the lab in Munich and transferred with the lab to Dundee. After leaving the lab, Sebastian was a postdoctoral research assistant with Jason Chin at the Laboratory for Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK. During this time, he published a paper where he first described the expansion of the genetic code in animas such that artificial amino acids could be incoporated into C. elegans. J. Am. Chem.Soc. 2011, 1333(36):14196-9” This paper was very widely commented on at the time of publication, also in the public press. Sebastian is now a group leader at the University of Edinburgh still focusing on C. elegans methods development. He funded his lab in Edinburgh via a prestigious EU funded ERC Career Development Award.

Publications in Gartner lab:

Simon Bertonlini (Ph.D. student)

C. elegans DNA damage response

Ph.D. Student (2013 – 2018)

Simone got his Bachelor and Master Degree in Molecular Biology at the University of the Study of Padua, Italy. He also got a Master's degree in Genetics at the University Paris Diderot, France, where he worked in the Lionel Pintard lab on the mitosis-meiosis balance in C. elegans germline. After his Ph.D. he returned to Italy and is now a Quality Control Officer at TRUSTiCERT.

Publications in Gartner lab:

Virkram Narayam (Postdoc, co-advised by Angus Lamond and Cynthia Kenyon, USCA, San Francisco)

Proteomics of Ageing

Postdoc (2003 – 2009)

Vikram is originally from India and did his Ph.D. in the lab of Kathlyn Ball, at the University of Edinburgh working on protein degradation. He approached us with the idea of using C. elegans as a model system to study the changes in the dynamic proteome during Aging. Ageing was initially believed to be a haphazard process based on early observations of the progressive, seemingly disorganised deterioration of tissues and vital body functions in aged individuals. However, it is now known to be a regulated biological process controlled by multiple signalling pathways. Vikram one a prestigious Sir Henry Dale Fellowship to conduct his research in Dundee and San Francisco, and managed to provide the most detailed description of how the proteome changes during C. elegans aging. After leaving the lab Vikram work at Calico a company funded by Google and continued to focus on aging research. Vikram in the last years worked on naked mole rats, a model system for vertebrate aging.

Publications with Gartner lab:

*)Co-first author

M. Yasir Malik (Ph.D. student)

C. elegans Starvation Response.

Ph.D. student (2014 – 2019)

Before joining the Gartner lab, Yasir was a Junior Research Fellow with Prof. M.W. Amin (May 2011-2013), at Hakim Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, Aligarh in India, and worked on herbal drugs that delay C. elegans aging. Between 2010 and 2011 he was a Junior Research Fellow with Dr. Arnab Mukhopadhyay at the Molecular Aging Lab at National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi. After leaving the Gartner lab he started a Postdoc in the Tullet lab, at the University of Kent in England continuing to work on C. elegans aging. We are still collaborating, wrapping up his Dundee project.

Ye Hong (Postdoc)

C. elegans meiotic recombination and genome stability

Postdoc 2012 – 2017

Ye was an undergraduate student at Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China, and did his Ph.D. at the State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology, Jinan, China, visiting the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Marburg, Germany for one year. His research in the Gartner lab was focused on meiotic recombination, chromosome biology, and now fail-safe mechanisms of genome maintenance. After leaving the lab in 2017, Ye joined the lab of Karim Labib at the MRC unit in Dundee. In 2009 Ye took on an assistant Professorship Shandong University, Qingdao, Shandong. He continues to work on C. elegans meiosis and DNA replication.

Publications with Gartner lab:

Publications before joining the Gartner lab:

Victor Gonzalez-Huici (Postdoc)

C. elegans genome stability

Postdoc (2012 – 2017)

Victor did his PhD in Margarita Salas’ group in Madrid, studying DNA replication and architecture in Bacillus subtilis bacteriophages. He then moved to the IFOM in Milan, Italy for a postdoc on genome instability and DNA repair mechanisms in yeast, first in Marco Foiani’s lab then to Dana Branzei’s group. In late 2013, he joined the Gartner lab working on the C. elegans DNA damage response. Victor currently works in the lab of  Nuria Lopez-Bigas as a Senior Research Associate in Barcelona, Spain. 

Publications in Gartner lab:

Publications before Joining the Gartner lab: