Become a Garner Bands Sponsor!

Garner Magnet High School Band Booster Sponsorship

Sponsorship Levels:

Flute ($250)- Certificate of appreciation, name/logo on website

Clarinet ($500)- Certificate of appreciation, name on website, name/logo on band banner, name/logo on programs of band events

Trumpet ($750)- Certificate of appreciation, name on website, name/logo on band banner, name/logo on programs of band events, Name announcement at home football games

Saxophone ($1000)- Certificate of appreciation, name/logo on website, name/logo on band banner, name on programs of band events, Name announcement at home football games, name/logo on the back of the band show shirt 

Trombone ($1500)- Certificate of appreciation, name/logo on website, name/logo on band banner, larger name on programs of band events, Name announcement at home football games, larger name/logo on the back of the band show shirt

Drumline ($2000)- Certificate of appreciation, name/logo on website, name/logo on band banner, largest name on programs of band events, Name announcement at home football games, largest name/logo on the back of the band show shirt. 

Garner Area Band Boosters is a 501 c3 non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible. 

Please contact: 

Sarah Allen, President, (704) 202-6920,

Travis Warburton, Vice President, (919) 669-4509

Sarah Rackley, Treasurer, (919) 740-5367,