
Solve the puzzles by swiping or moving things around. Install from google play : search for "black hole pixels"

How to Play: Swipe or drag items to clear or change them. Poke around at the game like a brain teaser puzzle to solve.

Why: Playing with shapes bouncing around and interacting, wanted to try out swipe, drag and shape intersections.

Game Design: Give some simple UI to be explored with several layers of challenge to explore. Keep track of what shapes have done what actions, and in what order, and stack them up. Progressive difficulty from a main menu that changes as the user progresses.

Stories: The part with a single box, triangle and circle is a fun puzzle to share with new people. Usually it takes 2 or 3 minutes to get the first breakthrough. Fun to respond to question of "what am I supposed to do?" with "that's part of the puzzle, you'll figure it out."