Simplified Overview of the Nitrogen Cycle and Its Functions:

Decomposition, Passive Diffusion, Ammonification → AOB/NOB/AOA nitrification, carbon fixation → Denitrification, Gas exchange

Simply put, the nitrogen cycle is easily the most important cycles in the aquatic ecosystem and terrestrial ecosystems. Without it in terrestrial systems, plants would be more limited in their available resources (ammonium, for example), reduced in numbers. With a reduction in plant population would come a reduction in herbivores, then omnivores, and finally carnivores. In aquatic settings, the ammonia build up would be substantial, killing nearly everything living including plants.

As fish and other animals eat, their bodies break down the food into waste products. With this waste comes the production of ammonia and ammonium, which is released through respiration of fish via the gills (creating acidic gill water and maintaining a gradient) and through urea produced with urine/feces. Ammonia is toxic, and ammonium is not so toxic- except in high enough levels. These are both measured together by test kits to come up with the measurement of Total Ammonia Nitrogen, or TAN for short. This ammonia and ammonium are then oxidized by aerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA, discovered in 2004 to have the genetic ability to oxidize ammonia). These organisms use ammonia as a source for energy, and as a byproduct they create nitrites. These nitrites provide an energy source for the aerobic nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB), which produce nitrates as a byproduct. Nitrites are more toxic for fish and organisms than nitrates, similar to ammonia and ammonium. However, in high enough levels (in some cases this is 40ppm.) it can still be toxic and deadly. As denitrification occurs by anaerobic denitrifying bacteria, the excess gaseous nitrogen is released into the water with the dissolved oxygen and released through the gas exchange through the broken surface tension. As the tension is broken, dissolved oxygen enters the water (important for the aerobic bacteria, which will not oxidize ammonia/ammonium/nitrites without it) and excess nitrogenous gases produced from nitrification and denitrification are released.

These parameters take key roles in determining and maintaining the health of fish and other organisms, as too high levels will put them at risk for infection with a weakened immune system (immunocompromised). Fish and other organisms have a limited tolerance range, and can only survive with certain levels of ammonia, nitrites and nitrates for so long before they can sustain injury and illness such as burns from ammonia and nitrites, open sores, internal and external infections, etc.

Everything You Never Needed to Know About the Nitrogen Cycle:

For those interested, below is a complete, comprehensive rundown of the nitrogen cycle in the freshwater aquarium, with some information pertaining to saltwater. For the most part, this cycle is nearly identical to how it works in terrestrial, marine, and brackish environments. The following contains the stoichiometry and steps, microorganisms and more involved with the processes of the cycle and also has information pertaining to how the cycle may differ between clearwater, blackwater, and planted aquariums due to differing levels of available nutrients and substrates.

Sect. I - Ammonia and Ammonium

How Ammonia is Introduced:

Ammonia is introduced into the aquarium in various biological processes, but it mainly comes down to four primary ways of breaking-down proteins:

  • Uneaten food
    • Fish food contains proteins and nutrients meant for the fish, but many also contain processed additives unneeded by the fish’s systems. For food which sinks to the bottom and goes uneaten, it breaks down. Since it was not eaten, there is a higher level of proteins and nutrients in the food and more ammonia is added to the system. This is why it is vital to not overfeed.
  • Decaying waste
    • Fish metabolisms break down proteins and nutrients from their food, what is unneeded is passed through as waste, which, as the waste breaks down it releases toxic ammonia as well as hydrogen ions. The less fillers in the food (also the less processed) the less waste there will be; a healthy diet can reduce the amount of ammonia going into the system via fish waste. Nitrogenous waste may be released as ammonia, or as urea, also known as carbamide.
  • Decaying plants/dead organisms
    • When dead animals and plants decay, it is the first step to the nutrients being recycled (see the DECOMPOSITION section for detailed information). One byproduct: ammonia.
  • Released through the gills of fish during respiration
    • >80% of nitrogenous waste produced by internal processes of fish is released via the gills in passive diffusion (transcellularly, through a cell, or paracellularly, passing through the space between cells; release of NH3 into water), NH3 Trapping, (Protons pumped out through the gills combine with NH3 to produce NH4+ which acidifies the small amount of water surrounding the gills and maintains the gradient of NH3; high content in blood, low in water) and finally the conversion of CO2 to HCO3- and H+ due to the carbonic anhydrase enzyme
    • In saltwater fish, the process is similar yet different; starting with passive diffusion of NH3 into the water (transcellularly and paracellularly) as well as the passive diffusion of NH4+ paracellularly via certain junctions. Since saltwater is well buffered due to the presence of salt and other compounds, trapping of the un-ionized ammonia is not possible, so passive diffusion is then followed by the active transport of ionized ammonium into the gill by the replacing of K+ in Na+-K+-ATPases, and finally the active transport of ionized ammonium into the water by replacing H+ in HNEs
    • Recently, a new form of symbiosis has been discovered to take place within the gills of zebra danios and carp, where the nitrification process takes place in the gills by nitrifying bacteria.

These organic sources break down into either un-ionized ammonia (NH3) or ionized ammonium (NH4+ ), with, of course, various byproducts (mainly organic compounds/nutrients to be recycled by various other processes).

Ammonium is harmless to fish, except in high concentrations where it may substitute K+ in ion transporters and disrupt electrochemical gradients (gradient of electrochemical potential) , Ammonia is very toxic, deadly even, as it increases the internal pH and may inhibit key enzymes necessary for the generation of energy by destabilizing proteins. When ammonia is dissolved in water, a small amount becomes ammonium- which is actually very important as a form of nitrogen for plants (see PLANTED TANK section for more details).

Production of Ammonia by Fish:

In ammonotelic species (those which release nitrogenous waste primarily as un-ionized ammonia) such as fish, 80-90% of the nitrogenous waste is released as ammonia, while the rest is released as urea. 95% of total ammonia in fish tissue exists as ionized ammonium, which cannot be diffused over the epithelia (covering/lining tissues). For fish, ammonia is mainly produced by two catabolic processes (catabolism is the set of pathways which break down molecules into smaller units which are used for energy or oxidized), though only one is related to ammonotelic species:

  • Amino Acid Catabolism
    • 50-70% of ammonia produced by transdeamination is done so in the liver, up to 99% in goldfish, with the rest in the kidneys, muscle, gills, and intestines.
    • Mainly carried out by transdeamination:
      • Transamination → Deamination

In ureotelic species (those which release nitrogenous waste primarily as urea), such as air-breathing fish (i.e. african lungfish) which do not spent all their time in the water, there is 10x less water required for the excretion than in the process used by ammonotelic species. A short overview for ureotelic species, undescribed:

Minor passive diffusion of urea into water transcellularly → active transport to outside gills

Relation of Hydrogen Ions and the pH/Temperature of Water to the Production and Toxicity of Ammonia and Ammonium:

When fish waste or decaying animals and plants break down, hydrogen ions are released in addition to ammonia as well as other compounds. Now, ammonia is a weak base*, as a result the hydrogen ions have a stronger effect on pH, ultimately lowering the pH. This is where decaying wood and leaves can be connected to the pH with blackwater aquariums, making the water more acidic (usually around 6.8 ppm), tinting it a light yellowish brown to a deep red, and providing health benefits for the fish who live in the water (see the BLACKWATER section for detailed information).

*A weak base is a base which is partially dissociated in aqueous solution; a base is a substance which reacts with an acid in an acid-base reaction. They can increase the concentration of Hydroxide (OH-) ions in an aqueous solution. Bases describe solutions with a pH greater than 7.0 ppm (parts per million).

Dissociation is the process of molecules or ionic compounds separate or split into smaller particles like atoms, ions, or radicals-- usually in a reversible manner.

A radical is an atom, molecule or ion with an unpaired valence electron, these unpaired electrons make the radicals highly chemically reactive.

Aqueous solutions are solutions where the solvent is water. The solvent is what dissolves the solute, a solute dissolving in a solvent is what creates a solution.


Important Side Information for a Better Understanding of the Nitrogen Cycle:

Complete Overview of the pH scale

pH, or Potential Hydrogen, is measured in parts per million (ppm). It can also be described as “Power of Hydrogen”: the more you have, the more acidic. Note that the pH determines how much can be dissolved in (the solubility), an equal ratio of hydrogen ions (H+) to hydroxide ions (OH-) is said to be neutral, at a pH of 7.0 ppm on the scale (measured 0-14 ppm generally). The Lewis Definition suggests that an acid is a compound that accepts a lone pair of electrons, and Hydrogen ions are positively charged. Not only that, they can also take up a lone pair of electrons from another compound which forms a covalent bond.

More hydrogen ions = more electron pairs = more acidic solution.

pH = -log10[H+]

where [H+] = concentration hydrogen ions.

Hydrogen ions can impact the pH, as mentioned above they can ultimately lower the pH. This is because they attach to water molecules and form hydronium ions (H3O+), which is what makes solutions acidic.

Since the pH scale is logarithmic, each whole number change results in a factor of 10. For example, a pH of 5.0 ppm is ten times more acidic than a pH of 6.0 ppm, but one hundred times more acidic than 7.0 ppm.

The water KH, or carbonate hardness, works side by side with pH- it’s the water’s ability to absorb and neutralize acid. It is also referred to as alkalinity (don’t confuse with this alkaline pH on the scale, which means the same as basic, or above 7.0 ppm). A low KH will result in more pH swings in the water, which can lead to pH shock caused by CO2 production causing downshifts in the pH (making it more acidic due to the CO2 in the water) and lessens the buffering capability (KH). Maintaining a level of 4.5 dKH is generally acceptable for freshwater aquariums, but varies with species. This level will help to maintain the stability of the aquarium’s pH, which can naturally fluctuate due to various factors.

Alkalinity (as mg/l CaCO3) = (2a - b) x 0.1

a = digits of titrant to reach pH 4.5

b = digits of titrant to reach pH 4.2 (including digits required to get to pH 4.5)

0.1 = digit multiplier for a 0.16 titration cartridge and a 100 ml sample


In acidic systems (pH below 7.0ppm), the production of ammonia is reduced; instead, more ammonium is produced. Ammonium is the result of the process of protonation* of ammonia, and how much is produced is, again, dependant on the level of pH- the acidity of the system. This is because with a lower pH, the equilibrium shifts towards the right-- meaning more ammonia molecules are converted into ammonium ions than not. With a higher level pH, there is a decrease in the amount of hydrogen ions’ concentration. Solutions of higher pH levels (7.0ppm or more) will result in an equilibrium shift towards the left; the hydroxide ion (produced when ammonia molecules acquire hydrogen ions from the water) abstracts a proton from the ammonium ion and produces ammonia.

*Protonation is the addition of a proton (H+) to an atom, molecule or ion which forms the conjugate acid (chemical compound formed by the reception of a proton (H) by a base).

As the pH of the water increases, the toxicity and concentration of ammonia does as well, since at higher pH levels the ammonium is converted to ammonia. However, when the pH drops below 6.0, Nitrosomonas bacteria (see PROCESSING OF AMMONIA section for details) may stop converting ammonia to harmless compounds, although there are some fish which will thrive at pH of 5.0-6.5ppm (such as discus). Low pH suppresses the process of nitrification, and they are better capable of processing ammonia and harmful compounds with a more basic pH range of 7.0-7.5ppm.

Since ammonia itself has a basic pH, it should raise the pH of an aquarium, however the natural processes the system undergoes that all create ammonia also produce hydrogen cations. Now, since pH is the negative log of the hydrogen cation concentration, the increased hydrogen cations reduce the pH, essentially negating this.

(Basically, aquarium processes produce enough hydrogen ions to overcome the basic pH of the ammonia, preventing the ammonia build up from raising the pH)

In colder water, nitrification (the conversion of ammonia to nitrites, see the BACTERIAL PROCESSING section for details) is difficult to achieve. Too warm the bacteria cannot thrive, too cold and the bacteria cannot thrive. The cooler the water, the less toxic the ammonia is for the fish and the higher the level of it they can tolerate, however, in very warm water, even a small amount of ammonia can be deadly, as with dissolved oxygen. In cooler systems, the water can hold more dissolved oxygen than the same volume of warm water.

In short: A high level of pH (as well as a higher temperature) will allow for more nitrogen to be in the toxic ammonia form, while at a lower pH, there is a higher level of ammonium than ammonia.

NOTE: Water tests, liquid and strips, measure ammonia by the Total Ammonia Nitrogen, which is the ammonium + ammonia. The amount of toxic ammonia in comparison to harmless ammonium is highly dependant on the pH, as discussed earlier……

Water with a temperature of 82° F (28° C), a pH of 7.0, and a TAN of 5 ppm has only .03 ppm ammonia. At a pH of 6.0, and 10 ppm of TAN, the ammonia is only .007 ppm. Above a pH of 8.0 the toxicity of TAN rapidly rises” ( page 2)

Sect. II - Bacterial Processing of Ammonia/Ammonium - Nitrification

Nitrification is the biological oxidation of ammonia and ammonium to nitrite, which is then followed by the oxidation of nitrite into nitrates. The oxidation of NH3 is a common limiting factor in environments for the accumulation of NO2- (Nitrogen Dioxide, the nitrite ion).

There are several types of bacteria which are in the aquatic setting, however the primary processors of ammonia consist of Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter and Nitrospira.

(Note: The aerobic oxidation of ammonium is also referred to as anammox)

Quick summary of the bacterial processing:

Nitrosomonas oxidize* the ammonia as a metabolic process, essentially eliminating it. This produces the byproduct of Nitrites, which is just as toxic.

Nitrobacter will process these nitrites into nitrates, which are not as toxic to inhabitants as nitrites or ammonia.

Nitrospira are aerobic* chemolithoautotrophic* nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, which both convert ammonia to nitrites and nitrogen dioxide to nitrates.

*oxidation: the loss of electrons during a reaction by a molecule, atom, or ion, and

occurs when the oxidation state is increased. The oxidation state refers to the

level of oxidation of a molecule, atom, or ion.

*aerobic: living, active, or occurring only in the presence of oxygen; requiring the presence of oxygen to live.

*chemolithoautotrophic bacteria are autotrophic microorganisms that gains energy through the process of oxidizing inorganic compounds. Most chemolithotrophs (an organism that is able to use inorganic reduced compounds to produce/gain energy) are autotrophs (primary producer, an organism that can produce its own food using light, water, CO2, or other chemicals).

Ammonia-oxidizing archaea were discovered to have the amoA gene in Crenarchaeota in 2004, proving their capabilities as ammonia oxidizers. Until then ammonia-oxidizing bacteria were the only known ammonia oxidizers. While they are known to be ammonia-oxidizers, it is unclear whether or not they take the same metabolic processes as AOB; although it has been suggested that they may generate nitroxyl hydride (HNO) which can subsequently be converted/oxidised into NO2- via nitroxyl oxidoreductase (NxOR)

Chemical formulas for the oxidation processes:

Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria (NH3 to NO2-):

NH3 + O2 + 2H+ + 2e- → NH2OH + H2O → NO2- + 5H+ + 4e-

Nitrite Oxidizing Bacteria (convert NO2- to NO3-):

NO2- + H2O → NO3- + 2H+ + 2e-

Aerobic Oxidation of Nitrite (Stoichiometry):

NO2- + 0.5O2 → NO3-


Quick Overview of Nitrites and Nitrates, Involved in the Bacterial Processing and Conversion:

Nitrites can be toxic in levels as low as .10mg/liter in freshwater, they bind with hemoglobin and can prevent erythrocytes from delivering oxygen to cells (so, it can cause brown blood disease, aka methemoglobinemia). Chloride cells in fish gills cannot tell the difference of nitrite and chloride ions, the rate of nitrite uptake into the fish’s system depends on the nitrite:chloride ratio in the system. Since the uptake of nitrite by the gills can be inhibited with sodium chloride, nitrite is not as heavy of a threat to saltwater settings, though it is still dangerous.

Note: Nitrite oxidation in soil is catalyzed by nitrite oxidoreductase, and nitrite oxidoreductase (NOR/NXR) is the enzyme involved with the last step of aerobic ammonia oxidation

Nitrates are much less toxic than ammonia and nitrites, but are still toxic in high enough amounts. Nitrate is a polyatomic ion with the molecular formula of NO-3

These are the byproduct of nitrite oxidation, and is one of the most common groundwater contaminants in rural areas.

High levels of either nitrites or nitrates in an aquatic setting can result in ill and susceptible stock to diseases, just as high levels of ammonia can do the same. Note that almost every aquatic disease is caused by poor water quality, referring to the TAN and nitrite/nitrate levels, as well as the pH relative to the species of fish in question.


Nitrosomonas are ammonia oxidizing bacteria/biomass (AOB) which oxidize ammonia and ammonium (NH3/NH4+) into Hydroxylamine (NH2OH), which requires a molecular dioxygen (O2) and a pair of electrons (currently thought to be provided through Coenzyme Q10, also known as Ubiquinol)* for the AMO, ammonia monooxygenase*. Though the exact process of conversion is not fully known, it can be assumed the conversion from ammonia and ammonium into nitrites is through the process of ubiquinone reduction*, assuming that the source of the pair of electrons is the ubiquinone. This leads us to believe the process is related to the oxidation of Hydroxylamine (NH2OH) to Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2-) occurring in the bacterial periplasm*. The conversion to nitrogen dioxide is believed to be a reaction with four electrons, which pass on to cytochrome C554 . There are approximately three theorized pathways for these electrons to take in this conversion, but in this specific path, in order for the conversion of ammonia to take place and complete, half of the ubiquinol molecules must be oxidized by the AMO. From there, the remainder of the electron path is not exactly known.

*Ubiquinol is the active form of CoQ10, with the inactive form being ubiquinone

*Ammonia monooxygenase: a metalloenzyme (an enzyme protein containing one or more metal ion as a part of its active structure) that catalyzes (speeds up the reaction without being consumed by it) the oxidation of ammonia into Hydroxylamine

*Reduction: the chemical reaction involving the gaining of electrons by one of the atoms involved between the two elements or compounds.

*Periplasm: space between the inner and outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria.

Nitrobacter are nitrite-oxidizing bacteria/biomass (NOB) that are chemolithoautotrophs. They derive energy from nitrite oxidation and carbon dioxide fixation; when there are no nitrites they will use solely carbon sources with the use of the Calvin cycle as a chemoorganoheterotroph (use organic compounds for energy). When oxygen is present, they will oxidize nitrites into nitrates. Nitrobacter interact with nitrosomonas, which oxidize ammonia into nitrites, which the Nitrobacter then proceed to oxidize into nitrates. The exact process is not fully documented or yet understood.

*Carbon dioxide fixation: the conversion process of inorganic carbon (CO2) to

organic compounds by biotic organisms.

Nitrospira are aerobic chemolithoautotrophic nitrite-oxidizing bacterium important in marine and freshwater environments. Not only do these bacteria oxidize the nitrites and convert them to nitrates as a byproduct of the metabolic process, but they are also able to feed the ammonia-oxidizing Nitrobacter by feeding them with ammonia released through the urea (carbamide, an organic compound, CO(NH2)2) or or cyanate (an anion, [OCN]- or [NCO]-, that acts as a base to form isocyanic acid, HNCO, in aqueous solutions). Nitrospira has even been studied being capable of catalyzing both steps of nitrification, both ammonia-oxidation and nitrite-oxidation, and are also considered to be complete comammox organisms (complete ammonia-oxidizing). Some strains of Nitrospira are capable of using different substrates, H2 and formate (HCOO-/CHOO-, etc.. IUPAC name: methanoate, the anion derived from formic acid, the simplest carboxylic acid) for example, and using oxygen or nitrates as a terminal electron acceptor*

*electron acceptors: a chemical entity that accepts electrons transferred to it from

another compound, it is an oxidizing agent which is reduced in the process of oxidation.

        • Terminal electron acceptors are compounds which receive or accept an electron during cellular respiration or photosynthesis. Again, the acceptor itself is during the process.

Nitrospina are a lesser known nitrite-oxidizing aerobic chemolithoautotrophic bacteria which is a major (and exclusive) marine processor which uses the reductive tricarboxylic acid pathway for CO2 fixation. It is the only species of NOB bacteria growing in above 40 g NaCl l–1, possibly related to the low net energy obtained from their metabolism (ΔG0′=–74 kJ mol–1 NO2–) that is not only lacking for proper growth, but also osmoregulation (active regulation of the osmotic pressure of an organism’s body fluids, internal balance between water and dissolved material- such as salt in marine environments. This is what saltwater fish use to process the salt of their marine environments).

Sect. III - Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen, and the Relation to Nitrifying Bacteria

The bacteria responsible for the nitrogen cycle rely on the presence of oxygen and carbon dioxide in order to undergo the processes that drive the cycle or aid in it’s progression, such as carbon dioxide fixation serving to produce energy for some of the chemolithoautotrophs (i.e. Nitrobacter require oxygen to be present in order to oxidize nitrites into nitrates, but will use carbon sources as energy if they are unable to nitrify the nitrites), not to mention to just exist in general. The kinetics of nitrification is mainly limited by the concentration of carbon in the system, as the heterotroph/autotroph populations of the system rely heavily on the organic carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N); theoretically, with higher levels of each there will be a decreased conversion of ammonium due to the heterotrophs dominating the autotrophic nitrifying bacteria-- in other words, an increased presence of organic carbon can, in theory, inhibit the activity of nitrifying bacteria by supporting the growth of the heterotrophs.

From Fowler’s Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, Chapter 25 - Advanced Water Quality Evaluation for Zoo Veterinarians, page 1:

“CO2 reacts with water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3), which dissociates to

bicarbonate (HCO3−) and then carbonate (CO32− ) and hydrogen ions (H+ ),

chemically proportioned by temperature, pressure, and salinity equilibria24:

CO2 + H2O ⇆ H2CO3 ⇆ H+ +HCO3- ⇆ 2H+ + CO32- ”

From Effect of Carbon Dioxide on Nitrification Rates:

“Stoichiometrically, the required C/N [Carbon Dioxide/Nitrogen] ratio is 0.0236 for

Nitrobacter spp. and 0.0863

(µmol bicarbonate per µmol ammonium or nitrite oxidized) for Nitrosomonas and Nitrospira spp.” (1).

A Breakdown of the Gas Exchange:

The gas exchange of an aquatic system is vital for maintaining levels of dissolved oxygen and gases in the water. It is the process of of gases being absorbed from or released into the atmosphere, primarily being oxygen and carbon dioxide (though there are, of course, other gases involved in this). The diffusion is highly dependant on the surface area available for it to take place, with a larger surface area (obviously) equalling a larger amount of space for the gas exchange to take place. Not only surface area, but the thickness of the stagnant boundary layer (a boundary layer is a thin layer of flowing gas or liquid in contact with a surface), and the partial pressure gradient of oxygen across the gas-water interface (in physical sciences, an interface may be described as the boundary between two spatial regions occupied by different forms of matter). Circulation at the surface and throughout the system will replace oxygen-rich water at the surface with lower-oxygen water, evenly distributing nutrients as well as dissolved oxygen and gases. In addition to the absorption and spread of gases in the system, the gas exchange is responsible for releases gases which have built up in excess back into the atmosphere. This is most commonly carbon dioxide, and gaseous nitrogen produced from the denitrification process of the nitrogen cycle. In planted tanks, aquarium plants will have water running over the tissues, providing the necessary mediums for the gas exchange to take place. For fish, the gas exchange occurs in the gills. As they swim, they draw water into their mouths and across the gills. Oxygen diffuses through the blood vessels of the gills while carbon dioxide exits the blood vessels and enters the water which is passing over the gills, and is later released at the surface during the exchange.

In short, as the surface tension is broken, the rate of gas exchange is increased. The more surface agitation, the higher the rate of exchange. Oxygen is taken into the water as carbon dioxide and other gases are released into the surrounding air. This replenishes the used oxygen through respiration and aerobic processes of the nitrification cycle, and releases excess gases such as gaseous nitrogen produced as byproducts from throughout nitrification cycle.


Denitrification is the anaerobic process of converting nitrates (NO3-) back into gaseous nitrogen, or gaseous dinitrogen, removing the bioavailable nitrogen and returning it to the atmosphere, ultimately marking the end of the nitrogen cycle and bringing it full circle. It is performed by denitrifying bacteria which use the nitrates as an energy source, unlike aerobic nitrifying bacteria which use oxygen and carbon dioxide as energy sources.

This processes is known to be a contributor to greenhouse gases, with the existing intermediate gaseous forms of nitrogen such as nitrous oxide remaining in the system/atmosphere to react with ozone.

While nitrification is an aerobic process, meaning it is occurring only in the presence of oxygen, denitrification is anaerobic, meaning it is existing in the absence of free oxygen. In other words, oxygen isn’t necessary for the process of denitrification like it is for nitrification. It primarily occurs in anoxic, pertaining to an abnormally low amount of oxygen compared to the rest of the system, areas of substrate. Just like nitrogen fixation, denitrification in soil and other substrates is carried out by prokaryotes, as well as some eukaryotes, including the genera of (but not limited to): Bacillus, Paracoccus, Pseudomonas

Despite being anaerobic bacteria, they still rely on the presence of some form of organic carbon for energy sources as they are chemoorganotrophs.

Below are the formulas for the reactions of denitrification.

No. 1 describes the steps of reducing nitrite into dinitrogen gas, while No. 2 describes the redox reaction* of denitrification

*A redox reaction is also referred to as oxidation reduction. It is a type of chemical

reaction that involves the transfer of electrons between two species

Planted Tanks and the Nitrogen Cycle

The nitrogen cycle in planted and unplanted tanks is relatively similar, identical even in the functions and processes. However, there are new cycles and processes which start to come into play when plants are factored into the system. Now, the tank may receive more precise or brighter lighting, which could in turn produce increased algae growth if the system has too much excess nutrients which are not being used by the inhabitants, the roots of the plants will take up nutrients from the substrate, the plants will aid in the reduction and processing of nitrates and nitrification byproducts, as well as provide for the food a source of food (if they eat plants) with less waste (more nutrients being used means less waste, the fewer fillers and additives in the food also means less waste).

Once nitrogen has been converted into ammonium and nitrates, the plants can begin to utilize them, starting with the uptake through the roots from the substrate and surrounding water. The ammonium and nitrates contribute to the production of macromolecules such as nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) and proteins. Not only that, but they also provide a vital source for creating chlorophyll, necessary for photosynthesis:

Waste → decomposition into nitrogen compounds → ammonia production/byproducts released into the surrounding water → biological fixation processes by bacteria, some compounds produced removed from the system by plants

Decomposition of Organics/Ammonification and Anammox

Ammonification is the production of inorganic nitrogen in the form of ammonia via the decomposition of waste and decaying organic matter (i.e. decaying tissue from dead organisms) by various prokaryotes and fungi. Occurs both in soil and aquatic settings, just as every other process described here. From the release of ammonia, it may then be used by plants and microorganisms in the nitrogen/ammonia cycle.

Decomposition, as mentioned, is a major player in the process of ammonification. It is the first stage of organic compound/nutrient recycling, the process of dead tissues and organic structures being broken down into simpler compounds and organic forms to be used by detritivores such as detritus-feeding leeches, certain planarians and other flatworms, etc. which contribute to the nitrogen cycle. As the decaying organic matter is ingested and processed by the decomposers who feed on it, it is released as waste, which is then broken down into byproducts such as ammonia and ammonium and enters the nitrogen cycle.

Anammox is the anaerobic oxidation of ammonia, is carried out by the prokaryotes belonging to the Planctomycetes phylum of bacteria. Anammox bacteria use nitrite as the electron acceptor in order to produce gaseous nitrogen.

Below is the stoichiometry for the chemical reaction of anammox:

Blackwater Tanks and the Nitrogen Cycle

Short Overview of Blackwater Systems and Acidity, effects on the Nitrogen Cycle

Blackwater aquariums are those which use tannins from wood and leaf litter, as well as other organic plant matter, to tint the water a light yellowish-brown tea color to a deep red similar to the dark red of South African redbush tea (which, evidently, is not a tea, but is also brewed and used to obtain various levels of blackwater in a tank). They usually are filled with an abundant amount of decaying leaf litter from various trees (such as catappa/indian almond leaves and oak) and wood (manzanita, oak, grape vine, malaysian driftwood, etc.) as they release tannins into the water. Blackwater tanks are known to have a more acidic pH than clear tanks lacking in tannins, generally around 6.8ppm. As discussed above, this affects the process of ammonification by allowing for an increased conversion/production of ammonium rather than ammonia.


Some Side Info about Tannins:

Tannins, or humic acid, is a type of polyphenol* produced by plants, and mostly present in the surface wax, buds, leaf tissues, root tissues, seed tissues, stem tissues and vacuoles* where they do not interact or interfere with the metabolism. They are classified as phenolics, which are aromatic benzene ring (compounds with 1+ hydroxyl groups-- basically made as protection against stress factors.

They bind and precipitate proteins, and are composed of a diverse group of oligomers* and polymers*.

*Vacuoles are membrane-bound, fluid-filled organelles in plant and animal cells with many functions.

*Polyphenols are a micronutrient, as well as secondary metabolites of plants generally involved in defence against UV radiation of aggression by pathogens.

*Oligomers are low molecular weight polymers consisting of small repeating units.

Polymers are macromolecules composed of many repeated subunits.

As described by Hovarth in 1981, tannins are: “Any phenolic compound of sufficiently high molecular weight containing sufficient hydroxyls and other suitable groups (i.e. carboxyls) to form effectively strong complexes with protein and other macromolecules under the particular environmental conditions being studied

For literally everything you didn’t need to know about tannins, go here:
