Our Mission, Vision, Beliefs & Values


The Mission of the Future City North Carolina Region is to support and prepare students to apply STEM-related solutions to solve the challenges facing communities both locally and globally.

We do this through:

  • utilizing public/private partnerships to connect K-12 education communities, the engineering industry, and the College of Engineering at NC State University;
  • deploying a program with the potential to reach and engage all students statewide;
  • providing a structure to broaden the conversation, skills, and opportunities that the Engineering Habits create through “what if” possibilities; and
  • conveying the importance of solutions to answer global engineering challenges.


The Vision of the Future City North Carolina Region is to facilitate an increase in the numbers of students choosing STEM-related college and career options, particularly in engineering fields.

We will carry out this Vision by:

  • building a reliable network to support current and future participating middle school teams across North Carolina;
  • maintaining an organization of involved and committed individuals who serve the Regional organization;
  • increasing stakeholder involvement, including volunteers, donors and sponsors, and Regional organization members; and
  • developing and leveraging connections between public and private entities, and between the organization and North Carolina communities.


We BELIEVE that EVERY student should have the opportunity to:

  • participate in the Future City Program;
  • experience hands-on learning that the Program provides; and
  • develop “soft-skills” of communication, collaboration, and critical and creative thinking by building solutions to real-world challenges.



  • the enthusiasm of the teachers, mentors, and students in grades 6-8 across the state of NC;
  • the expertise and commitment of Program volunteers and Steering Committee members;
  • the structure of the Future City Program, that allows for enhanced opportunities to teach effective problem solving through teamwork; and
  • the opportunity for students to create a strong work ethic by building responsiveness to, and perseverance in, solving challenges, particularly in STEM-related disciplines.