Fundamental aspects of gravity

Theoretical Physics Group

Imperial College London, August 8-12th 2022


The 5 day workshop will run Monday through Friday 8th - 12th August 2022 at Imperial College, London, on `Fundamental aspects of gravity'.

The workshop will be held in Lecture Theatre 2 in the Physics department of Imperial College London, located in the Physics Department (Blackett laboratory) building -- see the Travel tab for more details

Wednesday afternoon will be free, and the conference dinner will be Wednesday evening at 7pm at the restaurant Ognisko, located on Exhibition road next to Imperial College.

Coffee/Tea breaks will be held in the concourse at the entrace to the Physics Department .

Below is a preliminary timetable. See the "Talk Titles" tab for a list of the talk titles.

Timeslots: 45 mins = 40 talk + 5 questions, 30 mins = 25 + 5 and 15 mins = 12 + 3

Please send pdfs of slides to:

Slide for the talks can be found here.

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