Fundamental aspects of gravity

Theoretical Physics Group

Imperial College London, August 8-12th 2022


Registered invited participants will be responsible for arranging their own accomodation.

There is a wide array of hotels in London near South Kensington that one may find on travel agent website such as Expedia. Some hotels very nearby (~ 5 - 10 minute walk) to Imperial college are;

Strathmore hotel --

Rembrandt hotel --

Another reasonable option is Imperial college undergraduate student accommodation. Recently built en-suite student accommodation in Princes Gardens, neighbouring the Imperial campus, can be booked by contacting one of the accommodation team at quoting the conference name ‘Fundamental aspects of gravity’.

Princes Gardens (

En-suite Single - £105 per room per night

There is also cheaper (and somewhat more tired) student accommodation at Beit Hall at £88 per night but with shared bathroom.

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