
Peer-Reviewed Publications

1. Fujiwara, T., Brotas, M. and Chiappe, M.E. (2022) Walking strides direct rapid and flexible recruitment of visual circuits for

course control in Drosophila. Neuron. 110, 2124–2138. (here is the bioRxiV version).

2. Fujiwara, T., Cruz, T.L., Bohnslav, J.P. and Chiappe, M.E. (2017) A faithful internal representation of walking movements in

the Drosophila visual system. Nature Neurosci. 20, 7281.

3. Fujiwara, T., Kazawa, T., Sakurai, T., Fukushima, R., Uchino, K., Yamagata, T., Namiki, S., Haupt, S.S. and Kanzaki, R. (2014b) Odorant concentration differentiator for intermittent olfactory signals. J Neurosci. 34, 16581–16593.

4. Fujiwara, T., Kazawa, T., Haupt, S.S., and Kanzaki, R. (2014a) Postsynaptic odorant concentration dependent inhibition controls temporal properties of spike responses of projection neurons in the moth antennal lobe. Plos One. 9, e89132.

5. Fujiwara, T., Kazawa, T., Haupt, S.S., and Kanzaki, R. (2009) Ca2+ imaging of identifiable neurons labeled by electroporation in insect brains. Neuroreport. 20, 1061–1065.

Book Chapter

6. Fujiwara, T., and Chiappe, M.E. (2017) Motor-driven modulation in visual neural circuits. Chapter 10 in Decoding neural circuit structure and function: cellular dissection using genetic model organisms. Vol. 261. Ed. Mathias Wernet and Arzu Çelik. Springer Int.


7. Cruz, T.L.*, Fujiwara, T.*, Varela, N., Mohammad, F., Claridge-Chang, A. and Chiappe, M.E. (2019) Motor context coordinates visually guided walking in Drosophila (bioRxiV, *: co-first author).

We got a cover in Neuron!

Jul 06, 2022, Volume 110, Issue 13, p2041-2198