


Hernandez Reyes

I got my PhD at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Supervisor: Prof. Daisuke Kurabayashi) and worked as a postdoc with Prof. Yoshihiko Nakamura at RACE in The University of Tokyo. I am interested in combining engineering and biological techniques to understand behaviors. 

Ph.D. Student



I'm Eugenio, double degree in biomedical engineering at Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and Keio University (Japan). During my studies I mainly focused on signals, data processing and machine learning, applying these techniques in projects such as BCI paradigm, coaching robots, and calcium imaging data analysis techniques. 

Technical Staff


Lopes Castelhanito

I am Pedro Castelhanito and I am from Portugal. Even though my background is mainly in molecular biology, my primary interest is systems neuroscience. Leading me to obtain a MSc in Cellular and Molecular Biology - Neurobiology specialization from Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal). 

My previous work (Megan Carey's lab - Champalimaud Foundation, Portugal)  performed cell-attached recordings of Purkinje cells during locomotion and population analysis to try and understand the underlying computations involved in sensorimotor integration and motor coordination present in the Cerebellum. Currently, I am interested in understanding how sensorimotor information is integrated and represented in the insect's brain, namely in the Central Complex, and the mechanisms that can drive adaptation in this internal model.

Part Timer



As a science girl, I have worked for nearly 40 years in a variety of positions. I will probably be a science girl




My passion as a fly resercher comes from a life-long obsession with observating acts of creatures. From a young age I have always tried to catch them and manipulate their conditions in order to explain the mechanism of their behaviors. I find that working with flies is the best way for me to understand the law of nature from neuron to behavior. The elegant but complex act of proving hypothesises about predictions and proper motor commands of flies to revealing how the brain fits into the Bayesian framework that proposes the universal computational algorithm of cognition brings me endless satisfaction. 

Lab Assistant

Yuko Suzuki

Hakubi Team Leader

Terufumi Fujiwara

I got my Ph.D. at the Univerisity of Tokyo, Japan (Supervisor: Prof. Ryohei Kanzaki) and did a postdoc at Eugenia Chiappe's lab in Champalimaud Foundation, Portugal.  


2023.6-2023.8    Thirathada Chinchapo (Mark), CBS Summer Intern (Chiang Mai University)

2023.6-2023.7    Aniela Wroblewska, CBS Summer Intern (the University of Leicester)

Lab photos