FSU Service Learners

About Us:

We are students at Fitchburg State University enrolled in the Honors Program. As part of the program, we take a course entitled Honors 1020, Current Events and Service Learning. This website is the culmination of the Honors 1020 coursework taught by Dr. Danette Day in the Spring semester of 2021. What is Service Learning, you ask?

Defining Service Learning

  • Service-learning combines the classroom’s learning goals with community service which aids student’s learning experience and growth while also helping the community.

  • The course provided students opportunities to attend community stewards workshops that offered direct experience in service learning and the arts.

  • As a class, we Fitchburg State Service Learners chose to focus on helping to establish the Fitchburg Abolitionist Park, which commemorates the men and women of Fitchburg who fought for the abolition of slavery. Our goal was to spread awareness of the park’s mission and the story behind it, as well as fundraise for the development of the park.

Bottom row left to right: Alex M., Sabrina B., Madison W., Eleanor P; Middle row: Dr. Day, Devin T., Geena D., Chloe L., Madison S., Top row left to right: Darcy L., Josh A., Ronan C., David M., Nick G., Emily G.

Mission and Values

Our mission as a class is to connect with and immerse ourselves in the Fitchburg community in order to make a difference. We value communicating to foster relationships with the community, as well as using our cumulative knowledge to better ourselves and the city we serve.

Community Service During COVID-19

Although the pandemic has put restrictions on gatherings and in-person community efforts, our class was able to stay connected to the community through the NueVue Stewards programs going on in Fitchburg. Weekly Zoom meetings with the Art, Health, and Mental Health Stewards were great resources for our class to learn about organizations, projects, and resources within the city of Fitchburg where some of us live, where some of us work, and where we all attend school.