
Challenges with Listening

Listening skills and oral skills go hand in hand! In early language learning, students need to have a large amount of "input" meaning various forms of the language . This can be songs, videos, radio, conversation in class or music. This "input" is so important because it allows students to develop or build their "output" which is their oral abilities. For this reason, students need to be exposed to the French Language as much as possible. As we know, the problem is that for a lot of families, French instruction and learning ends when the school day ends. Parents often want to help their child at home or expose them to authentic French, however they are not sure how. That's where you come in! :) Below you will find a variety of videos, programs, Youtube channels that are wonderful resources to use in class and to send home to parents. You can use these resources at school and post them on your classroom portal so that families have access them at home. Additionally, these resources are great to share with parents that are looking for additional material or videos to watch at home.


Idello is a multimedia, Canadian created content base that provides French videos, lessons, websites and activities for students from Kindergarten to grade 2. The activities and lessons are created to align with the Ontario Curriculum. Teachers , students and parents can create an account and access resources. Additionally, teachers can add students to their "class" and assign specific videos and activities to students so that they can access them at home. This is a great way to maintain continuity of learning between school and home.

Click here to access Idello.

Youtube Chanels

Mini Doremi

Mini Doremi is a Youtube Channel created under TFO. The videos are geared towards children from K-3. There are a number of "mini series" and videos that focus on French basics like vocabulary, days of the week and thematic videos.

Dessine avec Didou

Dessine avec Didou " Draw with DIdou" is French Youtube Channel. Students follow along Didou as he draws various scenes, landscapes, and objects. This is a great way to review and learn new vocabulary and improve comprehension

Mini ABC

Mini ABC is a French Youtube channel for children. There are a wide range of seasonal and thematic videos, songs, and mini lessons. The videos are very animated and lively which is appealing to young children. They use lot's of visual to help support young language learning.