شارك وكن جزءا من فعالياتنا        في منصة العمل المجتمعي ةالتنمويه الشبابيه RYS حيث نسعي البناء مستقبل مشرق ونحاح الشباب الاردن نؤمن باهمية الهام الشباب وتوحيههم للمشاركه في خدمه مجتماتهم ونحن نسعي ايضا الاستفادة من جميع الفرص الامجتماعية والاقتصادية المتاحة لتعزيز نموهم وتنميتهم في منص

منصة آلعمل المجتمعي والتنموي الشبابية                   في محفل يتجلى فيه عبقرية الشباب وتألقهم، حيث يجدون فيه ساحة لتحقيق طموحاتهم والتفوق في ميادين متعددة. إنها منبر يعزز قدراتهم وينمّي مهاراتهم، بهدف بناء مستقبل يتميّز بالإنجاز والتقدم لوطننا الأردني

 Join us and be part of our events on the RYS youth community platform, where we strive to build a bright future for the youth of Jordan. We believe in the importance of inspiring and guiding young people to participate in serving their communities and taking on leadership responsibilities. We also seek to leverage all available social and economic opportunities to enhance their growth and development.On the RYS platform, we focus on providing a stimulating and supportive environment for youth to develop their leadership and social skills. We encourage young people to cultivate initiative, innovation, and teamwork to achieve their goals and make a meaningful contribution to community development.We invite you to join us and become part of this amazing platform. Make your voice heard, utilize your skills and readiness to tackle challenges, and strive to bring about positive change in your society. Let's work together for a better and more prosperous future for everyone.Participate today and be part of the movement that aims to build strong and inspiring youth, and achieve sustainable development, cultural progress, and social advancement in Jordan.

The Community Work and Youth Development Platform, RYS, was established on January 1, 2019 as a non-profit platform aiming to promote community development among youth. The platform is led by a distinguished leadership team, headed by the CEO Yumama Abu Joud. The team works towards achieving the platform's vision and mission, and implementing the goals outlined in the royal discussion papers through a variety of initiativesThe RYS platform seeks to achieve positive development in the local community by enhancing the skills and capacities of the youth. The platform aims to integrate the youth into volunteer work and enhance their sense of belonging to their homeland by providing opportunities for participation in developmental and voluntary projects The platform's team works on raising awareness and promoting culture among the youth through organizing free training workshops and cultural initiatives. The cultural and charitable volunteer team seeks to enhance the role of youth in serving the community and works on improving the lives of the less fortunate and meeting their needs.The free training workshops and initiatives offered by the platform reflect its commitment to empowering youth and developing their skills. The team works with the spirit of teamwork and collaboration with the youth to develop their community and achieve positive changeIn summary, the RYS platform serves as an inspiring model for charitable and voluntary work in the community. Through its continuous efforts, the platform aims to promote culture, awareness, and achieve community development. With the support and cooperation of the community, the platform fosters hope and strives to create a better future for everyone.Regarding the specialized staff for cases of individuals with special needs, the platform has a dedicated team for these cases, including those related to Down syndrome. This team includes the healthcare branch, which provides comprehensive healthcare for individuals with special needs, in addition to the psychological branch, which offers psychological support and counseling to improve their quality of life and meet their psychological needs.The platform operates with a spirit of teamwork and cooperation, aiming to empower youth and develop their skills through organizing free training workshops and cultural initiatives. The overall goal of the platform is to achieve positive development in the local community by enhancing the skills and capacities of the youth and encouraging their active participation in development projects and volunteer work.RYS is working diligently to achieve positive change in the community by providing opportunities for youth participation and development, and their efforts are commendable and worth


RYS, the Community Work and Youth Development platform, offers a diverse range of initiatives aimed at promoting communit development and enhancing the skills of young people. Here are some key initiatives provided by the platform:  1. Training and Development Workshops: The platform organizes workshops and free training programs that target the development of youth skills in various areas such as leadership, communication, strategic planning, entrepreneurship, and volunteerism. These workshops and programs aim to empower youth and enhance their personal and professional capabilities.    2. Community Development Projects: The platform works on implementing development projects that aim to improve life in the local community. These projects are organized in collaboration with youth and local institutions and cover areas such as education, health, environment, and economic development. 3. Social Campaigns: The platform organizes social campaigns to raise awareness about important societal issues. Youth participate in organizing and implementing these campaigns, working towards spreading awareness and promoting community engagement.4. Awareness and Education Programs: The platform offers programs and activities for raising awareness and educating on important issues such as human rights, equality, sustainable development, and cultural diversity. These programs aim to increase awareness and enhance values and knowledge among young people.    5. Social Platform Network: The platform works on building a social network for youth, facilitating communication and collaboration among them. The platform provides opportunities for youth to connect with each other, exchange experiences and knowledge, and form partnerships to implement joint projects and initiatives.تقدم منصة العمل المجتمعي والتنمية الشبابية RYS مجموعة متنوعة من المبادرات التي تستهدف تعزيز التنمية المجتمعية وتطوير مهارات الشباب. إليك بعض المبادرات الرئيسية التي يقدمها اورش التدريب والتنمية: تنظم المنصة ورش عمل وبرامج تدريبية مجانية تستهدف تط  مهارات الشباب في مجالات متنوعة مثل القيادة، التواصل، التخطيط الاستراتيجي، الريادة، والتطوع. تهدف هذه الورش والبرامج إلى تمكين الشباب وتطوير قدراتهم الشخصية والمهنيةمشاريع التنمية المجتمعية: تعمل المنصة على تنفيذ مشاريع تنموية تهدف إلى تحسين الحياة في المجتمع المحلي. يتم تنظيم هذه المشاريع بالتعاون مع الشباب والمؤسسات المحلية، وتشمل مجالات مثل التعليم، الصحة، البيئة، والتنمية الاقتصالحملات الاجتماعية: تقوم المنصة بتنظيم حملات اجتماعية لزيادة الوعي بقضايا مجتمعية هامة. يشارك الشباب في تنظيم وتنفيذ هذه الحملات ويعملون على نشر الوعي والمشاركة المجتمعي fرامج التوعية والتثقيف: تقدم المنصة برامج وأنشطة للتوعية والتثقيف حول قضايا هامة مثل حقوق الإنسان، المساواة، التنمية المستدامة، والتنوع الثقافي. تهدف هذه البرامج إلى زيادة الوعي وتعزيز القيم والمعرفة لدى الشباب.كة المنصة الاجتماعية: تعمل المنصة على بناء شبكة اجتماعية للشباب وتسهيل التواصل والتعاون بينهم. توفر المنصة فرصًا للشباب للتواصل مع بعضهم البعض، تبادل الخبرات والمعرفة، وتشكيل شراكات لتنفيذ المشاريع والمبادرات 


Youth Capable for Ambitious Jordan

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