We march behind the king 

Az Safadi from Al-Zarqa: We march behind the king with a cohesive internal front, ignoring the voices of nonsense.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ahmed Safadi, stated that in Jordan, we are moving forward with a cohesive internal front behind His Majesty King Abdullah II, where the official and popular stance is in harmony and solidarity in defense of our brothers in Palestine. He affirmed that the people of Jordan are aware and steadfast, not falling for the opportunities presented by the voices of chaos, as they stand united and supportive, serving as a pillar and a source of strength for our army, which demonstrates sacrifice and resilience every day.

Safadi made these remarks during an event titled "Thank You, Our Hashemite Leadership," organized by a group of activists in the Zarqa Governorate in collaboration with the Directorate of Culture. The event was attended by MPs Ahmed Al-Khalaileh, Raed Rabay'a Al-Zuhairawi, Omar Al-Zyoud, and several dignitaries from the governorate

The Speaker of the House added: Jordan has always been at the forefront of defending Palestine. His Majesty the King has presented to the world the truth in the face of the deceptive narratives of the occupier. He participated in air drop operations to aid our people in Gaza. Who other than a courageous and visionary leader could undertake such a noble act, breaking the siege in a stance born out of our conscience's duty towards our brothers, with whom we share blood, cause, and destiny

Safadi continued: Just as Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah presented contents that tested the conscience and humanity of the international community, Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Hussein bin Abdullah oversaw the preparation of a second field hospital for Gaza. Meanwhile, Princess Salma bint Abdullah participated in air drop operations with the Royal Jordanian Air Force Falcons to provide urgent relief to the people in the sector. Similarly, the Parliament, government, political parties, unions, and media stood united in a trench defending Palestinian justice.Safadi stressed that Jordan embodied the noblest forms of solidarity with our brothers in the sector through its positions. Jordan will remain a support and aid to Palestine, undeterred by any voices of doubt, and we must continue as we always have, with a cohesive internal front.
