MagNetUS bylaws
Dear MagNetUS Community,
The Ad-Hoc Bylaws Committee is happy to announce that the proposed MagNetUS bylaws have been approved by the community with a vote of 51 For and 3 Against, a 94.4% approval rate. The 54 votes submitted represented 82% of eligible voters based on registered MagNetUS membership. These bylaws are posted on this website as the official MagNetUS bylaws.
Thank you for your participation in this community effort!
MagNetUS Bylaws Ad-hoc Committee
2022 MagNetUS Workshop Program Committee

July 2020: The Bylaws Ad-hoc committee gave a short overview of the articles in the bylaws as written, giving some background and rationale for how the committee incorporated the diverse feedback received from the community into the wording. The presentation also introduced how the voting process would proceed.
MagNetUS Bylaws Ad-Hoc Committee: Mel Abler, Noah Hurst, Joe Olson, Dmitri Orlov, Derek Schaeffer, David Schaffner