Code of Conduct



1. Introduction and goals 

2. Scope 

3. Prohibited behaviors 

4. Encouraged behaviors 

5. Reporting and consequences 

6. Sources 


1. Introduction and goals 

All members of the MagNetUS organization are expected to conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner when participating in MagNetUS-related activities, as detailed in this document. In general, this includes practicing respectful, responsible, and considerate behavior when interacting with other members or non-members. Such behavior will allow MagNetUS to build a healthy, welcoming, and inclusive culture which maximizes the well-being and productivity of all involved. The goal of this document is to develop a common understanding of which types of behaviors are either prohibited or encouraged, and how violations will be managed in an attempt to repair any damage incurred. Feedback will be solicited from MagNetUS members on an annual basis and used to evolve this document in order to ensure that it continues to address the needs of the community.


2. Scope 

The conduct outlined in this document is to be followed at all MagNetUS-related activities, including but not limited to: online environments such as email, messaging, social media, and virtual meetings; and in-person meetings, including the MagNetUS annual meeting and any other gathering in which an individual or group is representing or acting on behalf of MagNetUS. 


3. Prohibited behaviors

MagNetUS members are prohibited from engaging in any of the following behaviors, which may occur verbally or through writing, drawings, gestures, or other forms of communication: 


4. Encouraged behaviors 

MagNetUS members are encouraged to practice the following types of behavior: 



5. Reporting and consequences

In the event of a perceived violation of the conduct outlined in this document, individuals may report the behavior to the MagNetUS Executive Committee by sending an email to or contacting an Executive Committee member. The identity of the reporter will be considered confidential information, but the contents of the report may be shared with the individual(s) involved. It is acceptable to confront the perpetrator in cases where additional intervention seems unnecessary; in such an event, this document should be used as justification.

All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly by the Executive Committee, which may include discussion with the parties involved. The Executive Committee will then determine what, if any, sanctions are necessary, with the goal of repairing any emotional or psychological damage caused by the conduct violation. Sanctions may range from verbal warning, to corrective feedback or recommended training, to temporary or permanent, partial or full bans from involvement in MagNetUS membership and associated activities, which may include ejection from meetings without refund and/or notification of law enforcement in extreme cases. 


6. Sources 

This document was prepared by the MagNetUS Executive Committee in October 2023, based in part on similar code of conduct documents for the American Physical Society meetings, the DIII-D National Fusion Facility, the University of Wisconsin – Madison Department of Physics, and the Contributor Covenant.