Environment / Conservation
Working Group on Marine Environment Management: Engagement Session with Community Groups
The Inter-departmental Working Group on Marine Environmental Management is going to organise an engagement session on 20 September for community groups and public to exchange views with the Government on issues regarding tackling marine refuse and keeping the shorelines clean. For interested parties, please enroll to the engagement session on or before 3 September. See you!
Registration link: https://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/clean_shorelines/node/12.html…
Country Parks - Land Bank or Special Asset?
“This is Our Land” Dialogue Series
Country Parks - Land Bank or Special Asset?
「我城我地」對談系列:郊野公園 - 造地 Vs 特殊功能?
Comprising 40% of our total land area, Country Parks are a valuable asset for Hong Kong. Apart from ecological values, Country Parks also protect water gathering grounds, safeguard our unique landscapes, and offer many educational, recreational, sports and tourism opportunities.
Government invited the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) in 2017 to carry out a development feasibility study regarding two sites located in the Tai Lam Country Park and Ma On Shan Country Park. The government Land Supply Taskforce proposes to develop many more Country Park areas.
What is the role of Country Parks in Hong Kong's urbanization? Can the country park development solve the housing problem now? Is there no alternative for housing development?
Join the debate on Saturday 1/9!
Date: 1 September 2018 (Saturday)
Time: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm (Please arrive 15 minutes earlier)
Venue: Room 3610, Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building, The City University of Hong Kong
Guest Speakers:
Dr. Wong Fook Yee (Adjunct Professor, Geography and Resource Management Department, CUHK, Former Assistant Director, AFCD)
Dr. Lam Chiu Ying (Chairman of the Hong Kong Countryside Foundation, member of Citizens Task Force on Land Resources)
Mr. Andy Chu (Campaigner, Green Peace Hong Kong)
Language: Cantonese (English simultaneous interpretation available)
Organized by: Citizens Task Force on Land Resources, Liber Research Community
Supporting organization: Department of Asian and International Studies, the City University of Hong Kong
Registration: https://goo.gl/LT5saj
Enquiry: Liber Research Community (info@liber-research.com)
"This is Our Land" Dialogue Series is organized by the "Citizens Task Force on Land Resources" to promote public discussion over land resources in Hong Kong. We invite guests speakers to broaden the participants' understanding and to assist participation in this important public discourse.
郊野公園佔全港總土地面積約40%,是香港珍貴的財產。 除了生態價值,郊野公園還保護了集水區和我們獨特的景觀,並提供許多教育,休憇,體育和旅遊機會。
可是,政府於2017年邀請香港房屋協會(房協)就位於大欖郊野公園及馬鞍山郊野公園的兩幅土地進行發展可行性研究。 政府土地供應專責小組更建議開發更多郊野公園地區。
郊野公園在香港城市化的過程扮演什麼角色呢?發展郊野公園真的能解決房屋問題嗎? 香港沒有其他土地可用作房屋發展嗎?
1/9 來一起參與討論吧!
地點:香港城市大學李達三葉耀珍學術樓 3610室
查詢:本土研究社 (info@liber-research.com)