Research Tools

Sweet Search - Search engine for K - 12 students, "every website in Sweet Search has been evaluated by our research experts."

(see additional search engines below)

Lesson Plan

Scaffolding Methods for Research Paper Writing Lesson Plan

Instructional videos ( all content areas )

Research Tools

  • Diigo - Social Bookmarking tool with highlighting and annotations features.

Great article that explains how to use EverNote as a Research Tool

Eight ways to use Evernote as a Research Tool

  • Change
  • See Graphic Organizers for help structuring your project ideas
  • NoteStar - an Internet utility to assist in the preparation of research papers. Teachers and students can set up research projects with topics and sub-topics. Students may then take advantage of NoteStar's many features to collect and organize their notes and prepare their bibliography page.

For documentation

  • Bib Me - Bibliography Maker
  • EasyBib - Bibliography Composer
  • Research & Documentation Online Download sample papers (MLA & APA styles) with Hacker & Fister's well-known guide
  • NoodleBib MLA Starter
  • Citation Machine >
  • Zotero - Open source citation manager, with syncing, collaboration, and an easy way to collect references (browse to a page with citation information and click a button). Uses plugins for Firefox, Open Office, and Microsoft Word. Generates inline citations and bibliographies in any style with the click of a button.

For note-taking

Alternate search tools

Search engines for Kids

Library resource portals

News, Magazines, more

Important (very!): Your state or provincial library likely provides a collection of valuable subscription databases providing access to articles, ebooks, video, and more! These resources include materials written at developmentally appropriate levels. The Internet Public Library offers a list of these resources by state. Find your state and ask your librarian for passwords!