Who is Ben in Animal Farm? Essay

The donkey Benjamin is the oldest and most clumsy of the animals in the classic novel Animal Farm. While he is not the most direct of characters, he has been interpreted as a social class in the Soviet Union and the Russian Revolution. In addition, he is also the least lovable. Despite this, his story has a wide audience. In this article, we'll explore who is Ben in Animal Farm and what his story means to us.

The main character of Animal Farm, Benjamin, is the most stubborn donkey and is stereotypically stubborn. However, he demonstrates loyalty and selflessness to those who need help. In fact, his stubbornness can be linked to his quotes. He has said that donkeys live long and are unlovable. He also has a tendency to be stuck in his ways and doesn't like change.

Although Benjamin has a rather unimpressive personality, he is also a representative of the intelligentsia in times of revolution. While the masses do nothing to fight the dictators and their misdeeds, Benjamin's ability to see the changes in society is a huge advantage. The pigs, on the other hand, understand the underlying principles of society and the fact that Boxer was murdered instead of dying peacefully.

In the first movie, Benjamin leads a counter-revolution against Napoleon, which is a clear reference to the French emperor. In the second film, Benjamin flees the farm after a battle in the cowshed. Despite his seemingly simplistic personality, he reveals his intelligence in refusing to brag about his beliefs. While he is a typical donkey, he is nonetheless a complex character who exhibits some unique traits.

Benjamin is often referred to as the intelligentsia, which is the elite and powerful part of society. While the sheep, like the pigs, are the mass, it is the pigs themselves that are the leaders of the farm. They have the power to make the pigs live happily ever after. They have a lot of control over the lives of the animals. In this way, they are not under the rule of their rulers.

Benjamin is an important character in Animal Farm. He is the protagonist of the 1954 film, and his character has been voiced by Maurice Denham. In the 1999 film, he plays the role of Benjamin. He re-enters the scene from the previous film in order to reclaim his rightful place as the main protagonist of the sequel. If you have ever watched the original book, you'll be able to tell which character is the most adorable.

As the protagonist of the movie, Benjamin has many qualities of a good leader. He is wise, hard-working, and responsible. He will always do the best for his fellow animals. He would not abuse his power, and he would never use his influence to manipulate other animals. The only thing he doesn't do is listen to others. In the end, he does not mind being the only one who has the power to make decisions.

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