About me

I have been involved with education and academics as a teacher and corporate trainer for the past twenty-one years. I have taught literature as a professor for many years, worked with NGOs as an administrator and academic advisor. I have taught English as second language to deaf through American sign language and developed modules for employibitility for the differently-abled in the corporate sector.

Freelance writing has been a hobby since my school days and I'm passionate about it. Telling stories is my forte and I have had the opportunity of having my short stories aired on radio, a few times.

I come from the warm and welcoming "City of Joy", Kolkata in India. A lot of my writing reflects the concerns I feel as a resident of this beautiful and chaotic city. I love to travel and have travelled widely, both in India and outside. I am an avid reader of both fiction and non-fiction works. I am an ardent lover of Indian classical music and have a good appreciation of music of varied genres.

Although I have been a student and teacher of English and the Humanities, I like to read science fiction and keep myself updated on the latest research, particularly, in the fields of medicine and biotechnology.

I hope to stay connected with you and be able to share my thoughts and expertise in the academic field and join you in your creative pursuits.

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