Marigolds by Eugenia Collier Essay

"Marigolds" is a short story by Eugenia Collier that was written in 1969. It is inspired by the author's early life in rural Maryland during the Great Depression. This book is about poverty, maturity, and growing up. It's a touching story about the value of relationships and the importance of making the right decisions. It's a perfect read for a Sunday afternoon.

Innocent children often think of their own needs and the wants of others. But they can benefit from learning to consider other people's needs, which is part of growing up. In Eugenia Collier's novel, "Marigolds," a teenage girl learns this valuable lesson about empathy. While teasing Miss Lottie for having bright marigolds in her yard, Lizabeth realizes that she doesn't understand her neighbor's situation and can help her.

The theme of "Marigolds" is that children lose their innocence as they grow up, and they must learn to see and understand the feelings of others. This is a novel about compassion, and it is a story of how to develop that quality. The book also includes a discussion on the importance of kindness. This is a book that will touch your heart and make you laugh and cry at the same time.

Eugenia Collier wrote Marigolds during the Depression. It tackles the themes of poverty, financial hardship, and growing up. The story also deals with the difficulties of being a young woman during a time of great hardship. As a child, Lizabeth teases her sister's mother for having marigolds in her yard. Then, she realizes that her dad is feeling sad and realizes that adults can feel sadness, too.

The short story "Marigolds" by Eugenia Collier is a great read for children and adults alike. It is a story about growing up as a child. While it is a wonderful story about life, Marigolds has many lessons for all readers. As a young woman, you should know that you are capable of empathy. As a parent, you can model empathy for those around you.

In "Marigolds," Eugenia Collier evokes the misery of a shantytown during the Great Depression. In this book, a young African-American girl, named Lizabeth, doesn't stop to think about her actions at first. She and her brother harass the elderly woman while she is tending to her marigolds. They also make fun of the mentally challenged daughter of a neighbor. However, Lizabeth finally begins to think about her actions and decides to run away from her father's house.

"Marigolds" by Eugenia Collier is a poignant novel about the struggles of a young girl. In this novel, Lizabeth is a teenager, living in a poor Maryland society during the Great Depression. Her father, Miss Lottie, and the marigolds are her main characters. She is in constant conflict with her brother and is forced to decide how to behave.

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