
The schedule for talks, posters, and social events is below. Speakers' and poster presenters' names are in bold.

  • 06:00 UTC is 11pm in Seattle, 2am in Boston, 8am in Paris, 11:30am in Bangalore, 3pm in Seoul

  • 14:00 UTC is 7am in Seattle, 10am in Boston, 4pm in Paris, 7:30pm in Bangalore, 11pm in Seoul

  • 22:00 UTC is 3pm in Seattle, 6pm in Boston, midnight in Paris, 3:30am in Bangalore, 7am in Seoul

Please see our program for more information: co-authors, additional links, extended abstracts (once they become available), etc. Links to connect to the events will be emailed to registered participants. See Online Meeting Information for more details. Videos of the talks will be available in the Youtube channel of FPSAC 2020 online.

You can download the conference program booklet in pdf format.


Sunday July 5th, 14:00 and 22:00 UTC

  • 14:00-15:00 Welcome Reception: A FPSAC Puzzle Hunt. See the Events page for details.

  • 22:00-23:00 Welcome Reception: A FPSAC Puzzle Hunt. See the Events page for details.

Monday July 6th, 14:00 UTC

  • 13:45-14:00 Opening remarks

  • 14:00-14:25 Arnau Padrol, Yann Palu, Vincent Pilaud and Pierre-Guy Plamondon, On type cones of g-vector fans (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 14:30-14:55 Helen Jenne, Combinatorics of the double-dimer model (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 15:00-15:25 Federico Castillo and Fu Liu, On the Todd class of the permutohedral variety (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 15:30-16:00 Coffee break (Theme: Prior FPSAC experience. Is this your first FPSAC? If so, welcome! If not, where have you been? Please wear a FPSAC t-shirt from a prior year if you have one.)

Wednesday July 8th, Poster session 6:00 UTC, talks 14:00 UTC

  • 06:00-07:30 Poster Session I, see below for titles and presenters

  • 14:00-14:25 Angela Carnevale, Michael Schein and Christopher Voll, Generalized Igusa functions and ideal growth in nilpotent Lie rings (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 14:30-14:55 Carlos Arreche and Nathan Williams, Normal reflection subgroups (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 15:00-15:25 Christian Gaetz and Yibo Gao, Separable elements: linear extensions, graph associahedra, and splittings of Weyl groups (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 15:30-16:00 Coffee break (Theme: Elevator introductions. Everyone take a turn introducing yourself and your mathematical interests in 1 minute or so. See this video from AIM on elevator speeches)

Friday July 10th, 14:00 UTC

  • 14:00-14:25 Philippe Nadeau and Vasu Tewari, Divided symmetrization and quasisymmetric functions (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 14:30-14:55 Sylvie Corteel, Jim Haglund, Olya Mandelshtam, Sarah Mason and Lauren Williams, Compact formulas for Macdonald polynomials and quasisymmetric Macdonald polynomials (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 15:00-15:25 Andrew Elvey Price, Counting lattice walks by winding angle (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 15:30-16:00 Coffee break (Theme: Platform explorations. Let's test out Unhangout. Bring some ideas for break-out groups.)

Monday July 13th, 22:00 UTC

Wednesday July 15th, talks 06:00 UTC, poster session 14:00 UTC

  • 06:00-06:25 Arvind Ayyer and Shubham Sinha, Random t-cores and hook lengths in random partitions (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 06:30-06:55 Il-Seung Jang and Jae-Hoon Kwon, Flagged Littlewood-Richardson tableaux and branching rule for orthogonal groups (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 07:00-07:25 Łukasz Maślanka and Piotr Śniady, Limit shapes of evacuation and jeu de taquin paths in random square Young tableaux (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 07:30-08:00 Coffee break

  • 14:00-15:30 Poster Session II, see below for titles and presenters

Friday July 17th, 22:00 UTC

  • 22:00-22:25 Spencer Backman, Christopher Eur and Connor Simpson, Simplicial generation of Chow rings of matroids (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 22:30-22:55 Niklas Affolter, Max Glick, Pavlo Pylyavskyy and Sanjay Ramassamy, Vector-relation configurations and plabic graphs (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 23:00-23:25 Gabor Hetyei, The dual of the type B permutohedron as a Tchebyshev triangulation (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 23:30-24:00 Coffee break (Theme: FPSAC 2020 t-shirt day.)

Saturday July 18th, 06:00, 14:00, 22:00 UTC

  • Banquet: The zoom link for the meeting will be open all day on Saturday, July 18th. We invite you to join anytime and creatively make a banquet meal for yourselves. If possible, please target one of the 3 times below in hopes of getting overlapping participation. We encourage you to plan a picnic with other FPSAC participants following local guidelines, and sign in to zoom to share the moment with others in your part of the world.

  • 06:00 Roaming timezone banquet

  • 14:00 Roaming timezone banquet

  • 22:00 Roaming timezone banquet

Monday July 20th, 14:00 UTC

Wednesday July 22nd, talks 14:00 UTC, poster session 22:00 UTC

  • 14:00-14:25 Laura Colmenarejo, Rosa Orellana, Franco Saliola, Anne Schilling and Mike Zabrocki, An insertion algorithm for diagram algebras (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 14:30-14:55 Pavel Galashin, Steven Karp and Thomas Lam, Regularity theorem for totally nonnegative flag varieties (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 15:00-15:25 Peter Dukes, Ferdinand Ihringer and Nathan Lindzey, On the algebraic combinatorics of injections (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 15:30-16:00 Coffee break (Theme: Platform explorations. We will start with a quick demo of Slack. Then we will test out Gather, which simulates moving around in a conference venue and bumping into old friends and making new acquaintances.)

  • 22:00-23:30 Poster Session III, see below for titles and presenters

Friday July 24th, 14:00 UTC

  • 14:00-14:25 Petter Brändén and Liam Solus, Some algebraic properties of lecture hall polytopes (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 14:30-14:55 Jacob White, On Cohen-Macaulay Hopf monoids in species (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 15:00-15:25 Elia Bisi, Fabio Deelan Cunden, Shane Gibbons and Dan Romik, Sorting networks, staircase Young tableaux and last passage percolation (extended abstract, slides, video, chat)

  • 15:30-16:00 Concluding remarks and awards presentation: best student presentation co-winners: Sean Griffin; Christian Gaetz and Yibo Gao

  • 16:00 Closing Reception: A FPSAC Puzzle Hunt, Chapter 2. Bring your own ice cream.

Poster sessions

Wednesday July 8th, 06:00 UTC

Wednesday July 15th, 14:00 UTC

Wednesday July 22th, 22:00 UTC