Video conferencing info

Please register to get updates by email about the online meeting, including instructions for participation, daily schedule updates, and information on the poster sessions.

Meeting links will not be posted on this website and will be sent by email.

FPSAC 2020 online has the following Code of Conduct.

Contributed talks

The contributed talks on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays will be on Zoom, hosted by the University of Washington. We will post videos of the talks in our Youtube channel.

Our “House rules” for Zoom are:

  • Zoom will require anyone joining a Zoom meeting to have Zoom software version 5.0 or higher. If you do not have this version (or higher) installed, you will NOT be able to join or host a Zoom meeting. This requirement applies to all device types and operating systems. Download the latest version of Zoom here. Alternatively, you can bypass the Zoom application download process, and join a meeting directly from a browser (see instructions). Note that the meeting experience from the browser is limited.
  • We will manually let people into the meeting once they click on the Zoom link so, if possible, please log in 10 minutes in advance of the first talk you want to attend using your full name in Latin letters (and optionally pronouns or name in your native alphabet), just like you would use on a nametag at a conference. This helps us get to know you for professional purposes. For information on setting your zoom name, see this link. If you have trouble changing your zoom name via the settings feature or need to use a different name, please inform a member of the organizing committee for our records. Note that you can edit your name in your settings before joining the meeting and not during the meeting.
  • We have a limited capacity in Zoom so please only use one device to log in.
  • As a participant, please keep your microphones muted to avoid background noise. We encourage you to have your video on but it is not required.
  • Questions are encouraged and moderators will keep track of them. If you have a question during a talk, we prefer it if you ask it in the chat. Alternatively, you can “raise your hand” and the moderator will get to you when possible.

Poster sessions

The poster sessions presentations will follow the model of virtual office hours. Each such poster presentation will consist of a Zoom or a Big Blue Button (BBB) meeting or link (see video tutorials for this platform). The presenters have the option to host this meeting themselves. Participants will receive a list of poster presenters and their links prior to each poster session. For more details see the section Information on Poster Presentations.

For Big Blue Button (BBB), you will need a modern browser. You do not need to download any additional software. You might however need to enable pop-ups for the BBB window of the meeting.

Presenters who will have the links set up for them by the organizers should log in 20 minutes in advance to test and familiarize themselves with the system.

Social activities

The Opening Reception on Sunday July 5, the coffee breaks on Mondays and Wednesdays, and the Banquet on Saturday July 18 will all be on Zoom. The coffee breaks on Fridays will be experimental and use other platforms like Unhangout. For more details see our schedule.