Online Social Events

Welcome reception: A FPSAC Puzzle hUnt

We are excited to announce that Vivien Ripoll (Solving Fun) has organized a special event for our welcome reception on Sunday July 5, titled "F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Puzzle Solving for Amateurs and Connoisseurs." The puzzles have been created specifically for the event, and include references to FPSAC, to algebraic combinatorics, and to math in general.

As FPSAC participants are from all over the world we will have two welcome receptions: 14:00 and 22:00 UTC on Sunday July 5. Please arrive on time! The reception will begin promptly with a short welcome and instructions for the puzzle hunt. Participants will then be split into small teams (in breakout rooms), so that each team can work on the puzzles independently. We estimate the fastest teams will be done within one hour but everyone is welcome to continue to work on puzzles and socialize for longer.

The puzzles will be the same at both welcome receptions. If you come to both receptions, please do not spoil the fun for others by revealing answers to participants who have not seen the puzzles before!

The puzzle hunt is available on Solving Fun's webpage. The first puzzle, which reveals the full name of the puzzle hunt, is already posted! This webpage also includes rules for the puzzle hunt, tips for collaborating and hints. Slides presenting the puzzle are available here.


This year's excursion will take place Monday, July 13th during the coffee break. We will play Geoguessr in breakout rooms. We need volunteers to lead their team's exploration (all this requires is signing up for Geoguessr Pro, which is $3/month with a 10 day free trial, and familiarizing yourself with the platform beforehand). Please email Helen Jenne if you are willing to volunteer.

Mike Joseph prepared this map with FPSAC cities. It randomly selects five of the places he chose each round.


The conference banquet will take place Saturday, July 18th using Zoom. We encourage you to have a picnic (with other local conference attendees, if it is allowed in your region) and zoom in at 6:00, 14:00, or 22:00 UTC. Please take pictures and post them on social media with the hashtag #fpsac2020 and/or post them to the FPSAC 2020 Facebook Group.


DESIGN YOUR OWN T-SHIRT! Make your own T-shirt based on our FPSAC 2020 logo. There will be a prize awarded on the final Friday for “Best T-shirt design”. Submit a picture of you in your T-shirt by Friday, July 17th.

BEST ZOOM BACKGROUND! With over 500 registered participants, we hope to see some excellent virtual backgrounds! Submit nominations (of yourself or others, with their permission) by submitting a screenshot by Friday, July 17th.

Do you have other ideas for contests? Email Helen Jenne or Laura Colmenarejo!

Other Events: WE WANT YOUR HELP!

If you have other ideas for social events you would like to organize, please email Helen Jenne or Laura Colmenarejo.

If you would like to organize something more informal, such as a virtual happy hour, movie night, board games, etc, either email us or post to the FPSAC 2020 Facebook Group