About Us
Contacts, Pastor & Staff

The main office is open Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Eastern Time.

Our Church Administrator, can be reached during those hours at Phone 973-334-3535 or via email at office@fpcboonton.org

You can also reach us through the mail at: 513 Birch Street, P.O. Box 157, Boonton, NJ 07005-0149 U.S.A.

Our staff members are listed below for your convenience. Please do not hesitate to call and ask for further explanation or information on any programs or announcements you see posted on our web site. Keep in touch!

Pastor: The Reverend Jen Van Zandt

“Rev Jen” embodies the personality and joy of our congregation. She came to ministry as a second career, following God’s calling from her job as a business coach. Her experiences bring her a gift of empathy in dealing with the struggles that are encountered in today’s world. Her spirituality, intelligence and dedication to God’s love and joy lead our congregation towards an inspired and fulfilled Christian life.

We welcome you to see her in action during our Sunday worship services. Pastor’s office hours are Tuesday to Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. or by appointment. Please call 973-334-3535 x 101 or she can be reached through email revjenvanzandt@gmail.com

Parish Associates: The Reverends Sherm and Lorrie Skinner

Sherm and Lorrie lead our "Shall We Gather" group, a gathering of older adults who meet monthly to share faith, fellowship and fun. The Skinners also support the pastor and the congregation in numerous other ways, such as sharing in pastoral care, staffing Christian education, worship leadership and preaching, and even singing in the choir. They can be reached at rowlandskinner@gmail.com

Music Director: Sarah Frederick

Sarah’s musical talents are shared with us as our organist, adult and children’s choir director, bell choir leader and special music leader. Our musical offerings portray our joy and passion for the love that we all share. Sarah has been with us since 2004. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Music Therapy from Marywood University and a master’s degree in Social Work. She can be reached through email at babbleon247@yahoo.com

Office Administrator: Sandra DiCarlo

Sandy has an extensive background as an Executive Assistant, Operations Assistant and has had various other Administrative roles. She supports the pastor and works with the Property Management team to upkeep the grounds of the church. She lives in West Milford with her husband Louis and daughter Zoey. She loves to serve others and loves the Lord. Her office hours are Monday - Friday 9:30-2:30 and she can be reached at 973-334-3535 x 100 or office@fpcboonton.org

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