
History of the web

The World Wide Web was created by a scientist named Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. The web was originally intended for sharing information between scientists around the world. In 1991, Bernsers-Lee also created HTML, and then in 1992, the first photo was uploaded to the internet. Eventually, in 1993, the web became public, meaning anybody could access it. 

Web Page Creation

The three main technologies used in web page creation are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. When creating a web page from scratch, the most essential piece of software is a text editor. This allows you to create and edit text files from all 3 of these technologies.

An internet Domain is a unique selection of characters that is used to identify a web page. With access to a domain, you have control over your web page.

A Server is a computer program that provides a service to the client.

A Client refers to a user and their computer program.

An IP Address is a unique numerical code for every device that connects to the internet.

A URL is a numerical code for a unique web address.

A DNS is a naming system for computers that are connected to the internet.

Web page creation is such a powerful tool for music educators. I am personally able to utilize websites like google sites to create my own webpage without the need for programming, which is why I am not personally interested in learning a computer programming language.

Social Media

Social media can be an extremely useful tool for educators, especially music educators. When used professionally, social media can enhance the public perception of a music program, advertise for performances or fundraisers, and so much more.