There are four main categories of instructional based software (also known as CBT).

Drill and Practice

This category focuses on simple drills to reinforce learning. Prior knowledge is needed for drill and practice.


This category introduces a skill or concept that is completely new, which means there is no prior knowledge needed.


Similarly to drill and practice, games focus on reinforcing concepts or skills through an engaging process. Prior knowledge is also required.


Discovery or simulations are able to reinforce prior knowledge while simultaneously introducing new concepts. Prior knowledge will be required for this.


Musictheory.net is a website that can be extremely useful in a middle school band curriculum utilizing drill and practice to reinforce memorization of note values, key signatures, and many other things.

New York Philharmonic Education Resources could be a great tool for beginning band. This website has a collection of videos that talk about each of the instruments of the orchestra.

CBT Links.pdf