Adventure Academy
**Registration for Fall 2024 will be available soon**
What is Adventure Academy?
The Adventure Academy co-op is a Footsteps learning community where children of all ages can join and participate in our academic and enrichment classes during the school year.
Our co-op exists to provide community, enrichment, and foster a deep and curious love of learning in our community’s families. Our desire is that our children will build friendships, develop virtues and optimism, and cultivate a deep desire to discover the world and people around them. We pray that our group’s families will grow closer together as they develop appreciation for the creation of God our Father.
We are a true cooperative, meaning that parents are required to stay, serve, and assist during co-op hours (see below for our teen drop-off exception).
Who can join Adventure Academy?
Adventure Academy membership is only open to Footsteps members, specifically those Footsteps members that are looking for more community, consistency, and commitment. Priority is given to families who have been active members in Footsteps for at least a semester.
When does Adventure Academy meet?
We meet from September-May on Tuesday afternoons at Peace Presbyterian Church. Classes are from 1:30-4:15pm.
What is taught at Adventure Academy?
Elementary aged children are taught from the Five in a Row curriculum. They rotate through learning language arts, social studies, art, and science with beautiful books as the foundation.
In addition, we have the privilege and honor of our 8-10 year olds being able to learn creative writing from Katharine Parrish who has taught children for decades. This class is an additional cost which you can read about below.
Middle school and high school students currently take both literature and science, with a different focus each school year (i.e. during the 2024-2025 school year the focuses will be world literature and Friendly Chemistry).
What am I required to do if I sign up as a teaching parent?
First of all - thank you! We could not run Adventure Academy without our parents who take time to teach our children.
A teaching parent commits to teaching 3-6 classes a semester (depends on how many teaching parents we have - the more parents that sign up the teach the more we can share the load). We use the Five in a Row curriculum for the elementary level, so putting together a lesson plan can be as simple as following the curriculum or as creative as you would like by adding to the lesson. Usually each parent is assigned a subject for the semester, so all lessons would be on the same subject- either language arts, social studies, science, or art.
You would teach a 45 minute class twice on the week you are scheduled - once to 4-7 year olds, once to 8-10 year olds.
How much is Adventure Academy?
Dues for Adventure Academy are spent entirely on the families enrolled for that semester. No parents are paid (we give discounts to those teachers who commit to teaching middle and high schoolers every week). The dues cover class expenses for all ages, funds for celebrations throughout the year for all the families, and general supplies needed for the week-to-week running of the co-op.
Our pricing structure is dependent on how much a parent commits to helping out during the school year. Our pricing considers the intangible value of time that the on-site moms are paying with their time spent teaching and serving.
I have more questions! Who do I contact?
You can email the Adventure Academy founders and directors at
We look forward to hearing from you!