Campaigns worth knowing that are advancing equity and justice in the food and farming system by centering the needs and voices of people of color, low-income communities, and those most vulnerable during these times. Let's take some action!

Across the United States and around the world, people are asking for support, aid, and protection. They need help to receive medical care, feed their kids, stay safe, and eventually get back to work. Join the #PeoplesBailout Live Stream Rally at 11am PT and Pledge to Participate as an Individual or Family: https://thepeoplesbailout.org/mayday

Food workers on the front lines are facing dangerous working conditions, a loss of wages, and a lack of access to healthcare, while many corporations are profiting off this crisis. Urgent action is needed by all levels of government to protect food workers. Sign the petition .

Protect employees in the health care sectors and other employees at elevated risk from exposure. Protect healthcare workers and Sign the petition.

Undocumented families face harsh risks as they seek to care for their loved ones and seek access to health care. Demand government agencies to respond universally to protect and support everyone. Sign the petition.

Donate or access the One Fair Wage Fund, which is available nationally. Donate here. Access the fund through this form to get support.

Concerned about paying rent? Learn more and join a national movement to help ensure housing as a basic human right. Provide information here.

Campaign is seeking the immediate release of people with high risk of COVID-19 and the elderly at Santa Rita Jail, as well as other populations. Look for ways to act and updates on Ella Baker Center’s COVID-19 Resources page.

This is a shared project of local leaders with deep experience in the Bay Area food system committed to sharing information to help us act.

Questions and queries can be sent to sustainablebayarea@gmail.com. Updates made on Sundays.
#physicaldistancing #socialsolidarity #protectthepeople