A consolidated list of East Bay Local Food Sources: small scale grocers & specialty food markets, meat/fish/dairy, coffee/tea, wine/beer/spirits and info about farmers markets, CSAs & food box deliveries

More on Restaurants & Grocers

More on Farms, Farmers Markets and CSAs

NOURISH! shelter in place flyer.pdf

New Mama Food

Support postpartum families and community restaurants. Order food from this list to get them the nourishment they deserve! Order here.

Co-op Support

What makes these grocery stores special is that the workers are owners. Highly worth a visit when you venture out for some food! Try something new or a favorite item from Mandela Grocery in West Oakland.

Community Food Boxes

Eat with a purpose, place order every Tuesday by 3pm for a week of food cooked by women of color providing cuisine from their hearts to your home. More here.

This is a shared project of local leaders with deep experience in the Bay Area food system committed to sharing information to help us act.

Questions and queries can be sent to Updates made on Sundays.
#physicaldistancing #socialsolidarity #protectthepeople