Visitor Area


Tyenna River Sites 

Three sites are included on this page

Marriotts Falls 

Visitor Centre 

Tyenna River Reserve 

Marriotts Falls Rehabilitation

Visitor Centre

Tyenna River Reserve

Many of the tree guards were doubles by adding one above the other, which was effective (especially the black hard plastic type)  in limiting the browsing.  Most of these were removed in 2019 as the plants had grown well above the height of the guards. 

On the west side of the Tyenna near the PWS workshop 325 ($500 NRM grant) in 2014 were put in  and a further batch during November and December 2015 along at the drier southern end of that river reserve.

As the plants had grown exceptionally well the tree guards were removed in May 2014, however during the following summer intense browsing took place  Additional plants were put in as replacements in 2014.

June 2013 and July 2013 a large numbers of plants were put south bank river reserve opposite the campground. The Tyenna River Crown Land Reserve with funds being granted from Wildcare, NRM South’s Inspired Grants program, and the Federal Governments Clean Energy Future Biodiversity fund. 

This 3 ha reserve was originally used for hop plantations, but in later years was used mainly for grazing.

The area was fenced as part of the grant.

July 2013  

A little over 400 plants were put in at the riverside reserve on the Tyenna River.  The length of the plantings is about 500 metres at an average width of about 40 metres.  In all some 24,000 square metres has been planted over the two days of work.

PWS provided a lunch time BBQ on this delightfully sunny day.  Working in the sun was quite hot but it was a very different story when in the shade.