The Future of English: Global Perspectives - PIE Webinar

In the webinar one of the BIG questions in international education is explored: what’s the future for the world’s most spoken language? 

Click on the link above to watch the Future of English: Global Perspectives webinar.

Summary of the webinar

In April this year, The British Council launched its landmark research publication ‘The Future of English: Global Perspectives’, and announced that it marked the inception of a three-year research programme into the demand and usage of English language, and the global forces driving them.

The research themes could not be more important to providers of English-taught programmes and include:

During this webinar we will be discussing both the book’s content and the planned research programme, hearing directly from some of its authors and editors. A key driver of the research is to engage and give voice to stakeholders throughout the world, in order to shape the agenda for further discussion, research and planning. This is an opportunity to join the conversation on this hugely important topic, and to hear from the experts who are behind it.

