Digitally-delivered EMI courses in Malaysia and Japan

Project mission

The aim of the project is to investigate the emerging construct of digitally-mediated English as a medium of instruction (EMI) classrooms, to gather a range of higher education institution (HEI) stakeholder voices, and to provide practical resources to support diagnostic testing in online EMI contexts. 

FoE research

The Future of English (FoE) is a multi-stage project intended to identify the issues and opportunities with the key trends of English around the world. The FoE Digital EMI project is 1 of 4 projects funded by the British Council.

Our project

The project summary tab outlines the FoE digital EMI research, establishes the context of the study, and outlines the benefits of the investigation. Click below to find out more.


The FoE digital EMI team is a internationally-renowned group of academic researchers. To see more information about the collaboration, click below.


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The FoE team have produced a variety of resources for a range of higher education (HE) stakeholders to support and enhance diagnostic testing in EMI classrooms. If you want to access the valuable resources, click the link underneath.


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