Peixin Yang

Peixin graduated from University of Michigan majored in Economics and Russian Eastern European Studies (CREES). A Native speaker of Mandarin, she is fluent in English and learned Russian for 4 years. Her curiosity and open-mindedness of different cultures led her to study and work abroad in Albania, Russia and Kazakhstan during the summer months in undergrad. She is hoping to develop a more international career and keep up with her language skills by engaging in more cross-cultural communication and collaboration, one of the bigger reasons why she joined this subtitle collective.

She is passionate about learning and love to attend guest lectures and seminars on history, political science, anthropology, sociology, psychology, etc. In her free time, she daydreams about writing short stories about the people she crossed paths with, as she believes that everyone has a good story to tell.

Peixin is currently teaching English as a foreign language to some students in Russia, but open to more job opportunities in the States or elsewhere.

Big Foodie. Nature lover. Instagram @peixzinn